Oleh Topuzov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the NAES of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, Vice President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



Svitlana Alieksieieva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Didactics Department of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine





In the context of martial law in Ukraine, the issues of organizing the educational process and ensuring guarantees of getting a general secondary education are becoming more relevant. The article analyses the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the educational process of secondary education institutions under the conditions of martial law. It is stated that Ukraine is a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence at the Council of Europe. In 2020, the Concept of Artificial Intelligence Development in Ukraine was approved. An overview of the priority areas and main tasks for the development of artificial intelligence technologies was made. The main task of education in the development of artificial intelligence is to train qualified personnel. In the field of general secondary education, this includes the development of digital literacy of students, the active use of digital tools in the educational process, and the training of teachers in the use of artificial intelligence technologies.

The article highlights the possibilities of using AI tools in general secondary education institutions: individualized learning, process automation, distance learning and e-platforms, gamification of learning, virtual tutors and assistants, chatbots, use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), etc. Artificial intelligence can play a key role in developing the skills of the future, including: knowledge of machine learning principles and basic programming skills, social skills and the ability to interact with intelligent systems using voice assistants, chatbots and other interfaces for communication, development of critical thinking, creative skills, which are becoming important in the context of creating new intelligent solutions and applications of artificial intelligence.

The article summarizes the recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process of secondary education institutions under the conditions of martial law, emphasizing the possibility of creating immersive learning environments with artificial intelligence that allow students to learn material interactively, even if their educational institutions have been damaged.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, gamification of learning, virtual tutors and assistants, individualized learning, educational platforms, digital tools, adaptive platforms.

Problem statement

The use of artificial intelligence in the educational process is a modern reality. It should be noted that Ukraine is a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence at the Council of Europe and has joined the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence, OECD/LEGAL/0449. In December 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 1556-р. the "Concept for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine" was approved, the main goal of which is to determine the priority areas and important tasks of the development of artificial intelligence technologies to satisfy the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, to build a competitive national economy, and to improve the system of public administration (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2020).

The Concept defines priority areas for the development of artificial intelligence technologies, where "Education" and "Science" take the leading place. The main task of education in the development of artificial intelligence is the training of qualified personnel. In particular, in the field of general secondary education, this means the active use of digital tools in the educational process, the development of digital literacy of students, and the training of teachers to use artificial intelligence technologies. In the field of higher education, it is the active development of educational programs with the mastery of artificial intelligence technologies, involvement of IT specialists, mandatory attestation of students of higher education, to establish compliance of the acquired level and volume of knowledge, skills, and other competencies with the requirements for the use of artificial intelligence. Also, according to the Concept, it is necessary to stimulate scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, to develop scientific cooperation with international research centers. The expected results of the implementation of the Concept are: a significant increase in the number of qualified specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, including scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, as well as the spread of the skills of competent use of artificial intelligence among the population; creation of favorable conditions for the dissemination and improvement of the quality of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, Ukraine's rise to a leading position in the world scientific environment in the field of artificial intelligence. In 2021, the "Action Plan for the Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine for 2021-2024" was developed, where the priority is to ensure legal regulation on the formation of state policy in the field of artificial intelligence, holding conferences, seminars on the introduction and use of artificial intelligence technologies, aimed at popularizing the basics of artificial intelligence in secondary education institutions, establishing scientific cooperation with international research centers (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2021).

With the beginning of the full-scale russian aggression, Ukrainian society underwent serious changes. Ukrainian education had to face regular destruction, damage to educational institutions, and loss of the opportunity to carry out a high-quality educational process. It is also worth noting the constant air alarms, the lack of electricity, the change of place of living by the participants of the educational process, and the deterioration of their mental and physical health. These and other factors had an extremely negative impact on ensuring stability and security in the educational system.

Education during the war requires significant changes in both form and content. Students need a variety of educational opportunities that include both social and emotional support, interactive activities, and access to media and technology. The educational process in institutions of general secondary education should be adapted to the circumstances of the war and meet the modern needs of students to help them adapt to the conditions of life in the information society in the future. Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence technologies, which would contribute to the minimization of educational losses of students as the central subjects of education, is the need of the hour.

Theoretical Background

The strategy for the development of artificial intelligence in Ukraine was developed by A. Shevchenko, O. Bilokobylskyi, Ye. Bodianskyi, A. Dovbysh, T. Yeroshenko, A. Zhohin, M. Klymenko, L. Maliarets, N. Pankratova and others (Strategy, 2023). Scientists note that in recent decades, artificial intelligence has made great progress: artificial intelligence systems drive autonomous cars, translate different languages, generate easy-to-read texts, and more. Preparing students to work with artificial intelligence is important for their future success in the digital world. Training in artificial intelligence should be available to Ukrainian students despite the military situation in the country. In times of war, artificial intelligence can play an important role in education, helping to ensure access to learning, improve educational processes, and promote the psychological well-being of students. The organization of the educational process in institutions of general secondary education under the conditions of martial law is actively researched by scientists of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. In particular, the methodological and didactic principles of compensating for educational losses of complete general secondary education applicants were studied (Aliekisieeva, Aristova, Malykhin & Topuzov, 2023); the problems of the modern textbook regarding educational and methodological support of the educational process in wartime conditions (Topuzov & Zasiekina, 2022); organizational-pedagogical and software-technical support of the educational process in conditions of unpredictable global influences (Malykhin, Aristova & Alieksieieva, 2022).

The purpose of the study is to analyze the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the educational process of secondary education institutions under the conditions of martial law.

Results and Discussion

In times of war, the use of artificial intelligence in education can provide considerable opportunities to improve access to learning and ensure the safety of students and teaching staff. Artificial intelligence has significant potential to transform education and improve the quality of general secondary education under the conditions of martial law. The priority areas of using artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process of secondary education institutions are:

Individualized training. Artificial intelligence can adapt learning materials and tasks to the individual needs of each student. Using personalized programs can help build strengths and support weaknesses more effectively. Individualized learning with the help of artificial intelligence includes the use of technologies to adapt educational processes to the needs and capabilities of each student.

To provide individualized training with the help of artificial intelligence, the following can be used:

- adaptive platforms – the use of adaptive learning platforms that take into account the student's answers and completed tasks to adapt the level of difficulty and teaching style. Artificial intelligence systems analyze student responses, achievements and other data to identify individual needs and levels of understanding. Based on this analysis, artificial intelligence suggests personalized tasks and materials for a better understanding of the material;

- personalized learning plans – automated systems can analyze student’s performance data and develop personalized learning plans that take into account his/her strengths and weaknesses;

- progress tracking – artificial intelligence enables teachers and students to track learning progress in real time. This helps to respond to difficulties and adapt strategies in time. Artificial intelligence systems can automate the process of grading assignments and provide detailed reports on each student's progress;

- virtual tutors and assistants – using virtual assistants to provide support and training can provide a personalized approach for each student. The use of virtual assistants can help students solve tasks and give additional support. This can be particularly useful for students with specific learning needs;

- gamification of learning – the use of gamification with the help of artificial intelligence can make the learning process more exciting and stimulating, helping each student to find motivation for learning;

- automated assessment – artificial intelligence can be used to automate the assessment process, providing objective and fast results, which allows teachers to focus on the individual development of each student;

- data analysis and need prediction – artificial intelligence can analyze large amounts of data to predict the needs of students and develop learning strategies according to those needs. Artificial intelligence can also recommend additional materials, courses, or exercises to students based on their interests.

Process automation and administrative management. Automation of administrative processes in the management of educational institutions will enable more efficient distribution of resources and interaction between students and teachers. The use of artificial intelligence will make it possible to automate routine tasks:

- artificial intelligence systems can quickly and efficiently evaluate a large number of tasks or tests, which makes it possible to obtain results even in a large class or educational institution;

- artificial intelligence can take over the task of automatically evaluating assignments and providing feedback to students. Teachers can receive detailed analytical reports on the individual successes and difficulties of each student;

- artificial intelligence can be used to automate routine administrative tasks, such as keeping records in journals, sending information to parents, and planning lessons;

- intelligent systems can generate detailed reports on student performance, indicating specific areas in which they demonstrate strengths and weaknesses. This can help both teachers and students better understand where improvement is needed.

All these measures aim to free teachers from routine responsibilities, allowing them to pay more attention to the individual development and support of each student. However, it is important to ensure that these technologies do not go beyond the limits and that teachers remain key figures in the educational process.

Distance learning and virtual classes. Artificial intelligence is used for the development of innovative electronic platforms and distance learning systems, which enable students to receive quality education at any place and time. Artificial intelligence can facilitate the development of distance learning systems and virtual classrooms when physical access to educational institutions may be limited. Virtual platforms can provide learning for students even if they are in evacuation camps or conflict zones. Here are some of the methods used to achieve these goals:

- adaptive learning – artificial intelligence makes it possible to create platforms that are able to adapt to the needs of each student. Machine learning algorithms take into account a learner's learning style, pace, and other characteristics to provide personalized materials and assignments;

- chatbots – using artificial intelligence to create virtual assistants and chatbots can facilitate student interaction with the platform. These agents can answer questions, provide instructions, and even have conversations with students to improve their understanding of the material;

- use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) – artificial intelligence is implemented to create interactive learning environments using VR and AR. This can help students gain an in-depth and visual experience of the learning material;

- automated content generation – artificial intelligence can be used to create automated content generation systems that help develop and update learning material faster.

These innovative approaches provide more flexible, affordable and effective means for distance learning and the development of education in general.

Education with the use of artificial intelligence can also include teaching students to understand and use these technologies, which will prepare them for future job markets where artificial intelligence may play a significant role.

Mental health and psychosocial support. Under the conditions of martial law, it is necessary and important to use artificial intelligence technologies to determine the mental health of students. The development of virtual and intelligent systems is needed to identify and provide psychosocial support to students who may be experiencing stress or trauma as a result of military conflict.

Developing the skills of the future. Artificial intelligence can play a key role in developing the skills of the future as it affects many areas of our lives. Here are some of the ways how artificial intelligence is helping to develop the skills of the future:

- knowledge of machine learning principles and basic programming skills are becoming increasingly important. Artificial intelligence can serve as a tool for learning these concepts and developing skills in this field;

- social skills and communication. As artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly introduced into the realm of communication and social networks, the skills to interact with others through these technologies are also becoming important;

- the use of artificial intelligence can stimulate the development of critical thinking. Creative skills become important in the context of creating new intellectual solutions and applications of artificial intelligence;

- with the growth of the amount of available information, it becomes important to be able to effectively search, filter and use the necessary data;

- in the future, people will increasingly interact with intelligent systems using voice assistants, chatbots and other interfaces. Understanding and being able to work with these systems will become important.

It is important to note that along with the development of these skills, the ethical, social and security aspects of using artificial intelligence must also be considered.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

In the context of war, the use of artificial intelligence in education can have a number of important aspects: personalized learning (artificial intelligence systems can create personalized learning programs for each student, taking into account his/her needs and abilities, this helps to ensure effective learning, even in the absence of direct contact with teachers); virtual learning environments (virtual reality systems and other technologies supported by artificial intelligence can create immersive learning environments that allow students to learn material in an interactive way, even if their physical educational facilities are damaged); curriculum optimization (artificial intelligence can help analyze data on student performance and curriculum effectiveness to improve educational approaches in wartime); distance learning (artificial intelligence can assist in the development and implementation of distance learning systems that enable students to learn online, this is especially important in wartime when traditional educational institutions may be inaccessible or unsafe for students). Prospects for further research are related to improving the quality of education and expanding the opportunities of students and teachers in the context of minimizing educational losses under the conditions of martial law.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© Oleh Topuzov, 2024

© Svitlana Alieksieieva, 2024