Kateryna Maksymova, Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Health, Fitness and Recreation of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv

Iryna Soina, Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv

Nina Petrusenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv



The article analyzes and summarizes the definitive analysis of the basic concepts of the professional activity of future fitness trainers, which are the subject of research into the problem of professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education in today's conditions. The essence of such concepts as: "fitness", "trainer", "fitness trainer", "future fitness trainer", "professional competence of future fitness trainers, which is formed in institutions of higher education", "professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education". The concept of "fitness" is revealed as a system of socio-economic, cognitive and human-creating objects and processes that reflect the unity of system-structural and value-pragmatic aspects of a healthy lifestyle, as well as a socio-cultural mechanism of reproduction of human existential forces, which is realized in the process of personally oriented broadcasting culture, social and professional experience in society. The factors that determine the approach to considering fitness as a sociocultural phenomenon, which are solved with the help of fitness, are established, namely: socialization of people engaged in fitness, provision of ample opportunities for self-knowledge; self-identification and self-actualization of the individual and its most favorable interactions with society; promoting the emergence of new cultural forms through the creative activity of people in the field of fitness; attracting people to the cultural values of different countries and peoples in the process of fitness classes; development of the fitness industry and the network of paid fitness services based on various types of state institutions; setting a precedent for scientific research in the field of fitness, which contributes to the development of science; creation of grounds for the development of a training system for fitness specialists, the need to develop new professional educational programs. The concept of "professional competence of a future fitness trainer" is defined as "an integrative characteristic of an individual, determined by the level of mastery of fundamental knowledge of fitness. The concept of "professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education" is analyzed as a pedagogical system aimed specifically at the formation of their professional competence nowadays.

Keywords: fitness; fitness service; trainer; fitness trainer; future fitness trainer; professional competence of future fitness trainers; professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education

Problem statement

The military events taking place today in Ukraine require qualitative changes in the conceptual basis of professional training, future specialists in the field of fitness and the fitness industry, because this direction is the most popular among the population of Ukraine for keeping in shape and for improving health.

In Ukraine, only a small percentage of fitness trainers are educated in higher education institutions, which significantly affects the quality of fitness services in modern fitness clubs, which is a significant problem of professional training of future fitness trainers in today's conditions. Thus, in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, the relevance of the problem of professional training of future specialists in the field of fitness and fitness services, in particular, online training, which is gaining momentum all over the world, is increasing. Therefore, it became necessary to improve the professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education in the conditions of war. For this purpose, we analyzed and summarized the definitive analysis of the basic concepts of the professional activity of future fitness trainers, which form the basis of their professional activity.

Analysis of the latest research. The analysis of the literature on the problem of the formation of fitness as an educational and scientific discipline showed that in the modern period the issue of phenomenology and terminology of fitness has been thoroughly investigated (A. A. Bolyak, V. E. Borylkevych, O. V. Zavalniuk, O. H. Saikina, E. T. Hawley and others); the retrospective of its formation was studied (O. V. Andrieieva, S. V. Brench, L. Vashchuk, V. I. Hryhoriev, L. V. Eidelman, V. I. Lysytska, etc.); the basics of programming fitness classes were considered (O. L. Blahiy, L. Ya. Ivashchenko, E. Hawley, etc.); fitness technologies of various orientations were developed (L. Vashchuk, N. O. Hogluvata, O. Ya. Kibalnyk, Yu. I. Tomilina, etc.); the specifics and functions of the professional activity of a fitness trainer and aerobics trainer (V. O. Kovalenko, O. K. Kornosenko, H. M. Lavrukhina, A. V. Menkhin, L. V. Sidnieva, etc.) were investigated [3]. However, the problem of the professional activity of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education in the conditions of war and the definitive analysis of the main basic concepts that make up the subject of research into the problem of their professional training has not yet been a separate subject of research.

The aim of the study is to analyze the basic concepts of the professional activity of future fitness trainers from the point of view of their definition, which constitute the subject of research into the problem of their professional activity in institutions of higher education in today's conditions.

Presentation of the main research material

Modern Ukrainian education is experiencing challenges related to military aggression, the destruction of the system of educational institutions of Ukraine, the reduction of personnel potential, the threat to the life and health of participants in the educational process.

Modern Ukrainian education actively uses the term "competence". The dictionary of professional education defines competence (from Latin сомпето – appropriate, suitable) as a set of knowledge and skills necessary for effective professional activity (Ničkalo, 2000). In the Law of Ukraine "About education" (Chapter I, Article 1) competence is presented as a dynamic combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, other personal qualities in order to conduct professional and/or further educational activities (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2017). The competency-based approach determines the content of education, as stated in the State Standards and "Criteria of Educational Achievements" (2020). The resource of knowledge, ability, skills, value, personal, cognitive, emotional attitudes, experience of a person determines his/her ability to actively act.

Professional competence determines the ability to solve professional problems and typical professional tasks, a basic characteristic of a specialist's activity. Knowledge and skills are its substantive and procedural components, which are based on pedagogical concepts, the definition of which should be revealed in a definitive analysis.

It should be noted that the term "definition" belongs to words of foreign origin (English definition, Latin definition) and etymologically means "setting boundaries", "definition" [1]. In logic, an operation that reveals the meaning of a concept is called a definition. At the same time, the result of such a logical operation is a judgment that reveals the meaning of the concept, or a definition [4].

The definitive analysis of basic pedagogical concepts should be supplemented by the analysis of special terms that are the subject of research into the problem of professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education. We include such as: "fitness", "trainer", "fitness trainer", "future fitness trainer", "professional competence of future fitness trainers, which is formed in institutions of higher education", "professional training of future fitness trainers" – trainers in institutions of higher education".

Thus, the term "fitness" has a significant number of definitions, so its content is interpreted by scientists in different ways:

Volovyk N. believes that fitness is the general (and not only physical) readiness of a person to get out of the "flow of life" and ensure effective naturalness to actions in situations that require the mobilization of physical and spiritual forces; the state of psychological and physical readiness to achieve success in a specific task; a component of health that ensures a high quality of life" [8].

Saikina O. notes that fitness is a complex, multifaceted, multi-functional, social phenomenon, which can be considered as a process and result of improving people's physical development, increasing the level of their physical capacity and state of health; as a set of material and spiritual values: as a complex dynamic, managed system, as a specific product of recreational, movement, entertainment services provided to the population [2].

Hawley E., Franks B. believe that fitness is physical fitness (from "to be fit for" to be fit for something, to be healthy). Physical health of a person, which is expressed in his/her fitness for physical work [7].

Zinchenko V., Usachov Yu. note that fitness is a system of physical exercises of the health direction (with the exception of sports forms of fitness) with a sufficiently wide range of diverse and accessible motor tasks that make up individually standardized programs, personally motivated and functional conditioned (relative to the regulatory framework) [5].

Smirnov S. claims that fitness is a complex and multifaceted structure that includes physical culture and sports organizations of different shapes and orientations, which provide paid services for motor activity based on various fitness programs. The central link of the structure is fitness clubs of different classes and price policies [6].

Based on the analysis of the definitions of the concept of "fitness", it should be stated that this term is used in different meanings, which can be conditionally divided into four groups with different levels of significance. The first level is optimal physical condition, readiness. The second level is a collection of forms, means and methods aimed at achieving fitness goals. The third level is a social phenomenon that includes philosophical, social and psychological aspects. The fourth level is the economic sector.

Let's consider each of the above characteristics in detail. According to scientists, the literal English translation of the term "fitness" and the neologism itself do not reveal the social essence of fitness, its ideological basis and the background of development [9].

According to Myroshnikov A., the difference in interpretations of the concept of "fitness" can be explained by the well-known language conflict in the conditions of cultural cooperation of civilizations, when words and concepts of two languages actively interact and begin to compete [3]. The scientist believes that fitness as a social phenomenon can be considered as an analogue of ancient Greek gymnastics. Moreover, a number of similar features are revealed in a comparative analysis of the professional activity of a fitness trainer and the ancient Greek Kosmets, who oversees the observance of the principle of harmonious education in Athenian gymnasiums [7].

Dalleck LC and Kravitz L. emphasize that fitness should be considered as a global, all-human phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of time, and, in fact, put an equal sign between the concept of "fitness" and the concept of "physical culture" in its traditional domestic sense [4].

In addition, Saikina O. notes that the generic concept (metasystem) for fitness is the concept of "physical culture". The meaning of the term belongs to its subject area due to the development of motor abilities and the formation of motor skills and special knowledge that determine the physical capacity and health of a person based on the use of innovative approaches, means, methods, equipment, inventory, and conditions of implementation [5].

Revealing the characteristic features of this concept, Hryhoriev V. considers fitness as: a system of socio-economic, cognitive, and human-creating objects and processes that reflect the unity of the system-structural and value-pragmatic aspects of a healthy lifestyle; sociocultural mechanism of reproduction of human existential forces and capitalization of human resources, which is implemented in the process of personally oriented transmission of culture, social and professional experience in society; a form of social adaptation in the unity of its subject-content and personal sides, subjects and objects of various types of activities aimed at the reproduction of the person him(her)self and his/her existential potential [6].

Among the factors that determine the approach to considering fitness as a sociocultural phenomenon, Saikina O. singled out a number of important sociocultural problems that are solved with the help of fitness. Among them, the scientist includes:

1. Socialization of people engaged in fitness, provision of ample opportunities for self-discovery, self-identification and self-actualization of the individual and its most favorable interactions with society.

2. Promoting the emergence of new cultural forms through the creative activity of people in the field of fitness;

3. Involvement of people in the cultural values of different countries and peoples in the process of fitness classes.

4. Development of the fitness industry and network of paid fitness services on the basis of various types of state institutions;

5. Creating a precedent for scientific research in the field of fitness, this contributes to the development of science.

6. Creation of grounds for the development of the training system of fitness specialists, the need to develop new professional educational programs [8].

Saikina О. emphasizes the importance of the fitness industry as a multimedia matrix in the process of the emergence of innovative health technologies. At the same time, the term "multimedia matrix" (from the Latin matrix – womb) is understood as a global primary source ("maternal base"), which is based on a large layer of information related to one or another branch of knowledge [9].

Hawley E. and Franks B. distinguish three main types of fitness: general fitness, physical (health) fitness, and sports orientation [7].

According to the definition of Davydov V., general fitness is used at the educational (initial) stage of classes and is the optimal quality of life, which determines "positive health", which includes the necessary level of work capacity, sufficient social activity and psychological stability. Physical fitness, according to the author, characterizes the level of capabilities that provide current motor activity without excessive functional strain on the body and have the necessary physiological reserves for this. Sports-oriented fitness is the highest degree of motor activity and is aimed at the development of motor skills and physical qualities for solving sports problems [1].

Volovyk N. believes that "the term "fitness" fully reflects the social (healthy lifestyle), biological (motor activity, physical condition and physical fitness), psychological (motives, interests), recreational and other characteristics of the use of physical education means for health purposes". In her opinion, the concept of "fitness" covers most of the terms characterizing the field of health-related physical culture (mass sports, conditioning training, recreation, etc.) [2].

In the USA, the category "fitness" is considered in different contexts and replaces the concepts of "physical culture", "physical training", "health". As Hawley E. and Franks B. point out, the meaning of the word "fitness" gradually evolved from "physical fitness" (from "to be fit for" to be fit for something, to be healthy) to denote a social phenomenon, a cultural phenomenon of the 20th century, from "a person's physical health, which is expressed in his/her suitability for physical work", to "the pursuit of optimal quality of life, which includes social, mental, spiritual and physical components" [4]. The American term "fitness" when it is mentioned in popular magazines, colloquial vocabulary and the Internet, is associated with success and well-being [5].

Considering the definition of "coach", it can be argued that its interpretation has a uniform character. The concept of "coach" is meaningfully connected with such concepts as "training", "sport", "athlete", "upbringing", "learning". Thus, in "Webster's English Dictionary" [1] and "Interpretive Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by Yefremova T. [2], the concept of "trainer" is considered as "one who teaches, instructor"; as "one who prepares people, horses for activities that require physical skill and strength; a person who professionally trains someone (an athlete, a domesticated animal)".

In the "Great Encyclopedic Dictionary" the concept of "coach" is considered as a teacher of physical culture – a specialist in a certain type of sport [4]. In the "Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language" the concept of "coach" is defined as "a specialist who manages the training of athletes from a certain type of sport" [5].

In the "Handbook of professional and qualification characteristics of the professions of employees", approved by the Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Physical Culture and Sports dated 17.10.2002 No. 2264, it is stated that a sports coach is "a specialist who puts into practice and develops scientifically a well-founded system of training high-class athletes and sports reserves. Organizes and conducts sports events, as well as participates in the established order in state international competitions and educational and training meetings. Develops perspective plans for the development of sports, regulations on sports events, forms calendar plans for competitions and training meetings" [6].

There is another interpretation of the term "coach". In the scientific literature, such a concept as "coach" has become widespread. Thus, in the "English-Russian dictionary of Muller V." the concept of "coach" (from the English сoach – to train, teach, direct, inform) is defined as a coach; instructor, mentor, leader [8].

According to Babushkin H., the main feature of a coach's professional activity is the specificity of the object and means of work. The object of the trainer's activity is a person with his/her constant development. The products of the trainer's activity "materialize" in the mental image of his/her trainees – their knowledge, abilities, skills, will, characters [3].

In addition, Tolkach V. and co-authors also distinguish professionals who achieve a certain goal thanks to work with one athlete (personal trainers) and those who work with a group of athletes (collective trainers) [5].

So, let's note that the definition of "coach" is interpreted by the majority of scientists as a specialist who is directly related to sports activities. In our opinion, the concept of "coach" should be understood in a more generalized sense. We are impressed by the definition proposed in the "English-Russian Dictionary of V. K. Muller", in which the concept of "coach" is defined as a specialist who helps a person to achieve his/her goal, motivates and contributes to obtaining the result in the most optimal way for him/her [8].

Having analyzed the concepts of "trainer" and "fitness", let's clarify the meaning of the concept of "fitness trainer". A systematic analysis of the concept of "fitness trainer" shows that today there is no single interpretation of it. As noted by Earle R. and Behl T., according to modern ideas and existing traditions in the United States, a fitness trainer is accepted as a personal trainer, whose function includes assessment, motivation and training of individuals who exercise, taking into account their needs related to changes in their state of health or physical fitness [9].

In Europe, the following titles of the professional work of a fitness trainer are considered: "leading gym instructor/personal trainer", "pilates trainer", "yoga trainer", "program managers", while clearly distinguishing the professions of fitness instructor and fitness – coach [1].

Let's define the concept of "fitness trainer" as a specialist who, in a group and/or individual format, provides fitness services for training, teaching and/or developing programs for the use of physical exercises, inventory and equipment for different groups of the population, taking into account their needs, related to the desire for optimal quality of life, which includes social, mental, spiritual and physical components.

It is necessary to analyze the concept of "future fitness trainer". In this context, the word "future" is associated with the concept of "student" and "achiever of higher education". Vlasenko A. points out that "student" translated from Latin means "one who works diligently", "one who desires knowledge" [3]. The scientist believes that "students are a special social group formed from various social formations of society and characterized by special conditions of life, work, everyday life, special social behavior and psychology, for which the acquisition of knowledge and preparation for future work in social production, science and culture is the main and mostly the only occupation" [4].

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2017), higher education seekers are defined as persons who study at a higher educational institution at a certain level of higher education with the aim of obtaining a corresponding degree and qualification [6].

Slobozhaninov P. defines the concept of "future specialists in fitness and recreation" as "students who, during a certain period of study at a higher educational institution, direct their efforts to mastering qualifications that will allow them to effectively apply various methods in fitness activities and recreational and health activities forms of motor activity for the purpose of restoring strength, preserving and strengthening the health of various layers of the population" [8].

The concept of "future fitness trainer" is considered by us as a person who studies at a higher education institution, has certain rights and responsibilities, purposefully masters a profession related to the health and physical improvement of various population groups, using innovative means, methods, organizational forms of physical culture, inventory and equipment based on their free motivated choice by consumers of fitness services.

Svatiev A. defines the concept of "professional competence of the future coach-teacher" as "an integrative characteristic of the individual, determined by the level of mastery of fundamental knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports and related disciplines, professionalism and the ability to fully implement, in accordance with socially significant aspects professional knowledge, abilities and skills in future professional activity" [9].

According to the logic of the definitive analysis, we will determine the essence of the concept of "professional competence of future fitness trainers, which is formed in institutions of higher education", which we consider as an integrative characteristic of the personality, which is the result of the training of a graduate of an institution of higher education, is determined by the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills and professional important, worldview and civic qualities, which in aggregate provides the possibility of fulfilling professional duties to meet the needs of the population in physical improvement, preservation and restoration of health, active recreation and is implemented in accordance with the developed fitness programs and recommendations in the format of individual and group classes.

The concept of "professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education" is considered by us as a pedagogical system designed taking into account the requirements of the customers of educational services (employers) and society, aimed at forming the professional competence of graduates in the specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports" (specialization "Fitness trainer"), which will allow them, after completing the educational program, to successfully implement the activity of providing fitness services for various population groups.


Thus, the definitive analysis of the basic pedagogical concepts of the professional activity of fitness trainers shows that each concept is an integral part of the professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education. The essence of the concept of "fitness" was clarified and the content characteristics of the concepts of "trainer", "fitness trainer", "future fitness trainer", "professional competence of future fitness trainers, which is formed in institutions of higher education" and "professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education". Fitness is indicated as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The concept of "professional competence of a future fitness trainer" is defined as "an integrative characteristic of an individual, determined by the level of mastery of fundamental knowledge of fitness. The concept of "professional training of future fitness trainers in institutions of higher education" is analyzed as a pedagogical system aimed specifically at the formation of their professional competence.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© Kateryna Maksymova, 2024

© Iryna Soina, 2024

© Nina Petrusenko, 2024