Olha Kanevska, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Slavic Philology Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Viktoriia Ustinova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of German Language and Literature with Teaching Methods



The article characterizes the peculiarities of using media education technologies in foreign language lessons in general secondary education institutions in theoretical and practical aspects. The goals of using media technologies in foreign language lessons are defined: to teach students to perceive foreign language media texts of various forms, types and genres; to develop critical thinking, the ability to analyze media texts and evaluate them; to form the ability to acquire, create, transmit and receive media texts using various technical equipment.

The stages (reproductive, associative, explanatory, analytical, classification, evaluation) of implementing media education technology in a foreign language lesson are identified and characterized. With the help of media education technologies, a teacher can build a lesson in an interactive mode, which will help prepare students for critical perception of information, its evaluation, selection, as well as the development of aesthetic qualities of a personality, his or her ethical views and general spiritual enrichment.

A foreign language teacher should have a sufficient level of media competence, i.e. be able to: change the structure and content of traditional classes by including invalid information in the educational context of the lesson; develop and implement teaching technologies using a multimedia screen, multimedia computer systems; have the basics of multimedia creativity.

As a result of using media lessons, students develop media competence, i.e. they can: comprehend foreign language media texts; interpret, critically analyze, evaluate foreign language media texts, understand their topic and idea, targeted focus; find the necessary information in foreign language media texts, systematize it according to certain features; transform visual information into verbal information or vice versa; create their own foreign language media texts.

The essence of using media education technologies in foreign language lessons is to use media texts to immerse students in a foreign language and foreign culture environment, to acquaint them with the culture, traditions, nature, climatic and geographical features of the countries whose language is being studied; to develop skills and abilities to perceive and transmit information through the means of the language being studied, as well as their own media texts in various situations of intercultural communication. The introduction of media education technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language in secondary education institutions will contribute to the formation of a harmonious personality of the student, the formation of communicative foreign language competence.

Keywords: media education, media education technologies, media competence, media text, foreign language lessons, general secondary education institutions

Problem statement

The ever-growing informatization of social life increases the role of information in shaping people's knowledge, feelings, moods, and views, and brings different cultural and ideological worlds closer together. The communication channels through which information is distributed and broadcast have a significant impact on society: on the one hand, a modern worldview is being formed, democratic values are being spread, and on the other hand, mass consciousness is being manipulated through the active and purposeful use of special methods.

No wonder that philosophical works (M. McLuhan, J. Martin, L. Mumford, G. Pocheptsov, T. Stonier, E. Toffler, etc.) point out that work with information has become one of the productive forces of the modern information society, which is based on technogenic foundations and is presented as a society of mass communications and computer technologies, including Internet technologies.

The information society is characterized by the active use of information technologies and telecommunications, including: production of telecommunications equipment, Internet service provision (ISP) – the use of telecommunications technologies to provide access to the telecommunications environment, Internet content provision (ICP) – content of the network, which includes mass media (networked or non-networked, but provided by the Internet), multimedia, satellite communications, etc.

At the beginning of the XXI century O. Matviienko pointed out that in the modern practice of informatization (both society and education) «<...> there is a clearly defined trend in the priorities for the development of informatization components – first, computerization, which means improving the means of searching and processing information and saturating (often unsystematically) all areas of social practice with computers, and then – intellectualization – the development of knowledge and people's abilities to perceive and create information messages» (Matviienko, 2004, p. 107). According to the researcher, media education as one of the integrated areas of education meets the needs of the information society (Matviienko, 2004, p. 108).

Thus, the development of the education system should respond to the challenges of today: the transformation of knowledge and information into a strategic resource of society; the disappearance of differences between the transmission, receipt, processing of information and communications; the expansion of educational services through computer systems and interactive information networks.

Analysis of recent research

The ideas of media education were influenced by the works of R. Barth, M. McLuhan, A. Mohl, S. French and others. In 1973, on the initiative of the international media education movement (A. Diosed, A. Mohl, K. Nordenströng), the International Council on Film and Television proposed to introduce a school course on the theory of mass communication. In 1989, the Council of Europe adopted a Resolution on Media Education and New Technologies based on UNESCO documents, which defined the importance of press, television, radio and cinematic cultural experience for children. That is why in different countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and others), the ideas of media education are integrated into the education system, both in preschool, secondary and higher education. It should be emphasized that UNESCO documents recommend that all states introduce media education into their national curricula, into the system of additional, non-formal and «lifelong» education (Recommendations, 1999, p. 273). After all, media education embodies the fundamental rights of every citizen of any country in the world – the right to freedom of expression and the right to information, and is a tool for supporting democracy.

In Ukraine, the introduction of media education at the state level began in 2010, when the Laboratory of Psychology of Mass Communications and Media Education developed its Concept, which was updated in 2016. Its main goal is to "promoting the development of an effective system of media education in Ukraine, which should become the foundation of human security of the state, development and consolidation of civil society, countering external information aggression, comprehensively prepare children and youth for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system, forming media information literacy and media culture in citizens in accordance with their age, individual and other characteristics." (Kontseptsiia vprovadzhennia mediaosvity, 1016, p. 6).

In 2017, the international organization UNESCO proposed the «Five Rules for Media and Information Literacy» (Piat pravyl, 2017), which were used to develop media education in different countries of the world.

The problems of media education are being actively developed by Ukrainian and foreign scholars, including: D. Buckingham, K. Worsnop, M. Herasymovych, B. Herzig, J. Gonne, S. Grafe, M. Koropatnyk, O. Lytvynenko, L. Masterman, O. Matvienko, L. Naydenova, H. Onkovych, Y. Reznichenko, M. Slyusarevsky, G. Tulodziecky, E. Hart, O. Tsohla, O. Yankovych, and others.

Thus, a number of articles are devoted to the problem of formation and development of media education in Ukraine as an objective necessity of an important component of the formation of the information society, analysis of media technologies: M. Herasymovych (Herasymovych, 2020), H. Onkovych (Onkovych, 2007), O. Tsohla (Tsohla, 2020), etc.

Methodological and psychological aspects of media education implementation are covered in such educational and methodological manuals as «Media Education at School and in the Classroom: Fundamentals and Examples» (G. Tulodzietskyi, B. Herzig, S. Grafe) (Tulodzietskyi, 2020), «Media Culture of the Individual: Social and Psychological Approach» (ed. L. Naidenova, O. Baryshpolets) (Mediakultura osobystosti, 2010), etc.

The staff of the Laboratory of Psychology of Mass Communications and Media Education (L. Naidenova, N. Cherepovska, O. Voznesenska, Yu. Chaplinska) developed programs and methodological support for school and extracurricular media education: an elective course for 10th grade students «Media Culture»; a special course «Media Psychology: Fundamentals of a Reflective Approach» for the system of professional development of teachers; the course «Media Psychology» for students of the Kyiv Minor Academy of Sciences; the course «Media Technologies» for students of creative specialties of universities (for bachelors, specialists, masters); club classes in creative associations of extracurricular and general education institutions (social rehabilitation) «Family Media Culture»; a comprehensive program of the children's animation studio «Red Dog».

Within the framework of the USAID Media Program in Ukraine project, implemented by Internews Network in Ukraine with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Renaissance Foundation, the Media Education and Media Literacy project is being implemented and the Media Education and Media Literacy portal (of the Academy of Ukrainian Press) is operating.

However, despite the intensification of the introduction of media education into the Ukrainian educational space, there are still many unresolved problems, including the following: it is not compulsory for study; its educational and upbringing opportunities are often insufficiently taken into account in the learning process, although sometimes teachers use it in an integrated way in school or in extracurricular (optional, club) work; educational and methodological support for media lessons, including foreign languages, is insufficiently developed.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of using media education technologies in foreign language lessons in general secondary education institutions in theoretical and practical aspects.

Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks: 1) to formulate a definition of the concept of "media education"; 2) to characterize the requirements set forth in the fundamental documents on media education and foreign language education in general secondary education institutions; 3) to define the goals and stages of using media technologies in foreign language lessons; 4) to demonstrate the possibilities of using media technologies in foreign language lessons using specific examples.

Main research methods: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, fundamental documents for synthesizing, comparing and contrasting different approaches to the problem, defining its theoretical foundations and conceptual and categorical apparatus; critical assimilation of the experience of foreign and domestic methods; pedagogical forecasting.

Summary of the main research material

Media education is a direction in pedagogy that introduces students' study of the laws of mass communication (press, television, radio, video, Internet, etc.). On the one hand, it is necessary to teach people to critically comprehend the information received through the media (advertising message, TV program, movie, article and other types of media texts) by answering the following questions: Who is the customer of this information? What special technologies of emotional impact on the audience were used? What effect did the creators of the media text expect and what did they achieve? On the other hand, it is necessary to develop the skills of independent creation of media texts with the help of modern technical means and technologies.

The subject of media education is the media system and its functions in society. The main goal is to form a culture of interaction with the media. The scientific literature identifies the main tasks of media education:

- preparing society for life in the modern information world;

- mastering the ability to perceive and comprehend any information, especially with the help of technical means;

- development of skills in analyzing and interpreting media texts;

- development of critical thinking;

- learning different forms of self-expression through media and developing creative abilities in this area;

- awareness of the consequences of the impact of information on the psyche;

- mastering the ways of communication based on non-verbal forms of communication with the help of technical means.

Thus, media education is defined as «an integrated area of education in the information society aimed at promoting the mastery of modern computer and telecommunication technologies while fostering responsibility associated with the use of these technologies and awareness of not only their benefits but also threats to the human psyche» (Matviienko, 2004, p. 108). Its main content is intellectual and procedural (technological) skills of information interaction. This concept is also related to the concept of «information security» – «the state of protection of vital interests of a person, society and the state, minimizing incompleteness, untimely and unreliable information, negative information influence, negative consequences of information technology» (Matviienko, 2004, p. 108).

It should be noted that modern model programs «Foreign Language. Grades 5–9» (Druha inozemna mova Redko, 2021; Inozemna mova Zymomria, 2021; Inozemna mova Redko, 2021), developed to implement the fundamental ideas of the State Standard of Basic General Secondary Education (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 30, 2020 №898) (Derzhavnyi standart, 2020), the Concept «New Ukrainian School» (Kontseptsiia, 2016), are aimed at achieving the goal of the language and literary educational field (foreign language education) – «the development of competent speakers who are able to communicate in foreign languages for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression and intercultural dialogue, to enrich emotional and sensory experience, creative self-realization, and the formation of value orientations and attitudes» (Derzhavnyi standart, 2020). The programs put forward certain requirements for the mandatory learning outcomes of students, namely, that «a competent student should demonstrate the ability to effectively use foreign language information outlined by communicative needs and presented by the social environment, evaluate the information provided and select the necessary information for their own life activities, influence it, adapting its quantitative and qualitative characteristics to their foreign language communicative intentions» (Inozemna mova Redko, 2021).

An analysis of model curricula (Druha inozemna mova Redko, 2021; Inozemna mova Zymomria, 2021; Inozemna mova Redko, 2021) has shown that the tasks of media education are solved in them primarily through teaching aids (textbooks, electronic manuals, dictionaries, etc.) and interactive teaching methods (teaching and speaking situations, role-playing games, project work, etc.), as well as through expected learning outcomes (by type of speech activity). The authors of the programs emphasize that, in addition to the textbook, the teacher can use other educational literature, electronic tools, and illustrative materials that contribute to the achievement of certain goals (Inozemna mova Zymomria, 2021; Inozemna mova Redko, 2021).

The expected learning outcomes (by type of speech activity) for grade 9, according to the Model Curriculum «Foreign Language. Grades 5–9» (authors: I. Zymomria, V. Moysiuk, M. Tryfan, I. Unguryan, M. Yakovchuk), are the following:

1. Perception of oral information:

- identifies the main content of newscasts and simple material on familiar topics recorded on audio if the speech is clear and relatively slow;

- Recognizes the content of movies if the plot can be gleaned from the visuals and actions of the characters and the speech is clear and simple;

- identifies the main content of television programs on familiar topics if the speech is relatively slow and clear.

2. Comprehension of written text:

- extracts information about events and personal experiences from simple personal letters, postcards, including electronic ones, and Internet posts;

- Recognizes the content of standard correspondence and online posts in the area of his/her own interest;

- finds relevant information in material related to everyday life, such as letters and brochures.

3. Uses effective strategies for comprehending oral information and written text. Online interaction:

- posts simple messages on familiar topics in online discussions related to personal interests, prepares text in advance whenever possible, and uses online tools (e.g., dictionaries) to fill in gaps in language proficiency and to check for correctness;

- cooperates online and carries out exchanges that require simple clarification of important details, such as registering for a training course, excursion, or event;

- interacts online with a partner or a small group working on a project, with visualization tools (images, statistics, graphs) that illustrate the concepts related to the task (Inozemna mova Zymomria, 2021).

The authors (V. Redko, O. Shalenko, S. Sotnykova, O. Kovalenko, I. Koropetska, O. Jakob, I. Samoiliukevych, O. Dobra, T. Kior) of another model program point out that «all means should be used in combination, providing interconnected and parallel training of all types of speech activities. <…> considerable attention should be focused on the use of interactive types of speech activities (teaching and speaking situations, role-playing games, project work, etc.), the potential of which makes it possible to approximate the process of teaching foreign language communication to real life conditions in the modern world space" (Inozemna mova Redko, 2021).

In this program, the expected outcomes are summarized in terms of levels and descriptors of foreign language proficiency in accordance with the CEFR (Common, 2020), e.g., Online interaction – grades 5–6 (A2): communicates on social networks at an elementary level; posts online about their feelings and activities using language clichés; responds to comments from other correspondents with words of gratitude or apology; grades 7–9 (B1): exchanges information online that requires simple explanations on familiar topics with access to online tools; posts online about events, feelings, personal experience; comments on posts from other correspondents (Inozemna mova Redko, 2021).

Within the content of the curriculum, its authors emphasize (V. Redko, O. Shalenko, S. Sotnykova, O. Kovalenko, I. Koropetska, O. Jakob, I. Samoiliukevych, O. Dobra, T. Kior), a student should be able to express his/her own thoughts in a foreign language, identify the content of read and heard texts, adhere to adequate communicative behavior in different social environments, accepted in the countries whose language is studied, demonstrate his/her attitude to the information received from oral and written sources (Inozemna mova Redko, 2021».

The model curriculum «Second Foreign Language. Grades 5-9» for general secondary education institutions (authors: V. Redko, O. Shalenko, S. Sotnykova, O. Kovalenko, I. Koropetska, O. Jakob, I. Samoiliukevych, O. Dobra, T. Kior, M. Matskovych, L. Hlyniuk, E. Brown) defines and characterizes the expected results of students’ educational and cognitive activity at the end of the 9th grade (communicative competence) – A1 (grades 5–6), A2 (grades 7–9) (Druha inozemna mova Redko, 2021). For example, online interaction is assessed as follows: in general: communicates online on everyday topics using language clichés; posts short descriptive posts on the Internet about everyday activities and feelings; exchanges simple comments with other contributors; online communication and discussion: engages in basic online communication, such as sending virtual greeting cards for holidays, sharing news, making and confirming appointments; posts online about his/her mood and what he/she is doing, using template expressions; responds to comments; expresses gratitude or apologizes in simple language; makes short positive or negative online comments about embedded links and media, using basic language, although he/she usually refers to online dictionaries (Druha inozemna mova Redko, 2021).

Thus, although the model curricula do not specifically mention the use of media texts for didactic purposes and media education technologies in the educational process, they indirectly, through the means, methods and expected results, indicate the need to use them in foreign language teaching to develop the ability to perceive, analyze, interpret, critically evaluate information in texts of various kinds, including media texts, and use information to enrich one's own experience and spiritual development.

Undoubtedly, media education, integrated into school subjects, both humanities and sciences, serves to prepare students for life in the information society.

The material for media education is the products of mass communication – the press, cinema, video, television, advertising, the Internet, etc., i.e. media texts. In addition, media are used as technical tools (for example, the multimedia screen is widely used as a relevant teaching tool that contains text, images, sound, and animation). However, this kind of classes require not only money for the purchase of all the latest technical means, but also new methodological, methodological, informational skills from the teacher, who must have a sufficient level of media competence, i.e., must be able to:

1) to change the structure and content of traditional classes by incorporating invalid information into the educational context of the lesson;

2) develop and implement teaching technologies using a multimedia screen, multimedia computer systems;

3) to have the basics of multimedia creativity (video shooting, power-point presentations, etc.).

With the help of media education technologies, a teacher can build an interactive lesson that will help prepare students for critical perception of information, its evaluation, selection, as well as the development of aesthetic qualities of a personality, its ethical views and overall spiritual enrichment.

Objectives of using media technologies in foreign language lessons:

- to teach students to perceive foreign language media texts of various forms, types and genres;

- to develop critical thinking, the ability to analyze media texts and evaluate them;

- to develop the ability to acquire, create, transmit and receive media texts using a variety of technical equipment.

The introduction of media education technology into a foreign language lesson can be carried out in the following stages:

1. The reproductive stage involves the student's retelling of the media text immediately after viewing it in class or on their own in order to convey its content to the listeners.

2. The associative stage, which reflects the perception of the media text through personal memories, emotions, experiences.

3. Explanatory stage, where the emphasis is placed on the elements of the media text that are difficult to understand, which contributes to the formation of judgments about the media text as a whole or about its part.

4. The analytical stage, which analyzes the structure of the media text, linguistic, artistic, visual, musical, sound, etc. features, ways of expressing the intentions of its authors and the points of view of listeners, readers, viewers, critics, researchers, etc.

5. The classification stage, which determines the place of a media text in the cultural, historical, socio-political, economic, and everyday contexts; analyzes the features of its genre, compliance/inconsistency with ethical and aesthetic norms.

6. Evaluation stage, which involves identifying positive and/or negative qualities of the media text based on personal, moral, aesthetic, and formal criteria.

Here are examples of exercises using media technologies in foreign language lessons.

1. Look at the map and tell about the geographical location of Ukraine.

1. Prepare questions for an interview with a geography teacher about the climatic and geological features of our country.

2. Conduct a video interview with the geography teacher.

3. Translate the text into a foreign language.

4. Make a short video of the interview for foreigners, which would tell about Ukraine.

As a result of using media lessons, students develop media competence, i.e. they can

- comprehend a foreign language media text;

- interpret, critically analyze, evaluate foreign language media texts, understand their topic and idea, and target audience;

- find the necessary information in foreign language media texts, systematize it according to certain criteria;

- transform visual information into verbal information or vice versa;

- create own foreign language media texts.

2. Look closely at the drawings by the famous Danish artist Herluf Bidstrup (choose from the options).

Option A

Option B

1. Create captions for each of the pictures. Translate them into a foreign language.

12. Write a humorous story in a foreign language based on these pictures and give it a title.

13. Prepare a short report with a presentation about the life and work of Herluf Biedstrup.

14. Try to draw your own humorous drawings that would make up a humorous text.

3. Who is who? Match the author with his or her work.

Look closely at the portraits of famous German writers. Find a picture (portrait) of the author. Recall what each of them wrote. Fill in the table below.

Table 1

Who is who?

Author№ of the portraitWork
Johann Wolfgang Goethe«The Glove»
Heinrich Theodor Bell«Song of Truth»
Rainer Maria Rilke«Traveler, when you come to Spa...»
Johann Christoph Schiller«The Alder King»
Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann«Mrs. Blizzard»
Брати Грімм«Little Zahez, nicknamed Zinnober»
Franz Kafka«The Book of Songs»
Heinrich Heine«The Transformation»

(Answers: Heinrich Belle "Traveler, when you come to Spa... " (5), Heinrich Heine's "The Book of Songs" (4); Johann Wolfgang Goethe's "The Alder King" (3); Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann's "Little Zahez, nicknamed Zinnober" (8); Brothers Grimm "Mrs. Blizzard" (6); Franz Kafka "The Transformation" (7); Rainer Maria Rilke "Song of Truth" (1); Johann Christoph Schiller "The Glove" (2). )

1. Prepare a short story in a foreign language about a writer (poet) and his/her work (of your choice).

2. What other German writers (poets) do you know? What did they write?

3. Prepare questions for an interview with a foreign language teacher about famous German writers and poets.

4. Take a video interview with your foreign language teacher.

5. Translate the text into a foreign language.

Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research

As a result of using media lessons, students develop media competence, i.e. they can:

- comprehend a foreign language media text;

- interpret, critically analyze, evaluate foreign language media texts, understand their topic and idea, targeting

- find the necessary information in foreign language media texts, systematize it according to certain criteria;

- transform visual information into verbal information or vice versa;

- create own foreign language media texts.

Thus, the essence of the use of media education technologies in foreign language lessons is to use media texts to immerse students in a foreign language and foreign culture environment, to acquaint them with the culture, traditions, nature, climatic and geographical features of the countries whose language is being studied; to develop the ability to perceive and transmit information through the means of the language being studied, as well as their own media texts in various situations of intercultural communication. The introduction of media education technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language in secondary education institutions will contribute to the formation of a harmonious student's personality and communicative foreign language competence.

The introduction of media education technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language in secondary education institutions will contribute to the formation of a harmonious student's personality and communicative foreign language competence.

We believe that a promising area for further research is the study of the problem of introducing media education technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language in order to overcome educational losses and the development of an appropriate system of lessons, exercises, and teaching and methodological support.


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