The Conceptual Construction of "Relativistic Pedagogy" as an Important Factor of the Modern Educational Paradigm
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contemporary educational paradigm
relativistic pedagogy
learning and creativity
personal growth of students

How to Cite

Pushkarova Т. (2023). The Conceptual Construction of "Relativistic Pedagogy" as an Important Factor of the Modern Educational Paradigm. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 112–120.


The article submitted for open discussion examines the problems of the categorical content of the modern educational paradigm in the context of the relationship and mutual influence of the latest achievements from various fields of scientific knowledge and pedagogical phenomena that have manifested in educational activities. In the materials submitted for consideration by the scientific community, the author outlines an attempt to invent the similarities and differences existing today in the classical (Newtonian-Cartesian) and neoclassical (quantum-relativistic) scientific and methodological paradigms. During the research, the semantic content of the concept of "relativistic pedagogy" was considered and the lexical meaning and compatibility of its components were analyzed. Reasoned judgments are provided regarding the reasoned expediency of using the term "relativistic pedagogy" in the field of educational sciences.
In the course of the research, it was established that the phrase "relativistic pedagogy" should be considered a scientific and practical direction of socially significant activity, which is connected with the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills by the subjects of education, as well as with the design of innovative methods, technologies, practices or recommendations, taking into account the metaphysical convention (subjective nature) of knowledge of the world by the participants of the educational process, which has a non-linear, impulsive or jump-like trend of evolutionary development with an absolute or partial rejection of the deterministic presumption of linearity and continuous and indivisible implementation of purely educational activities.

The relevance of the presented definition is that in recent decades, at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, significant social transformations have taken place in the life coordinate system of Ukrainians, associated with the reconstruction of a calm, homogeneous and routine social existence with a habitual linear trajectory of evolution into a turbulent, rapidly changing, and versatile coexistence with many chaotic and unpredictable ups and downs. In the given system of uncertainty, a person (including a child) cannot be solely static and completely rely on effective external help. He/she him(her)self must become quite active and constantly, even in a chaotic mode, intensify his/her efforts and internal resources to acquire a life-creating tone, which, in the end, will contribute to the disclosure of the mental, creative, and physical potential of the individual.
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