Author Guidelines
The text of the article must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, according to which the mandatory structural elements are as follows:
- On the first page at the top the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) is placed.
- The next line (center alignement) is the title of the article.
- The next line (center alignement) is information on research funding (if available).
- Then, through the line (center alignment), the author's name and surname.
- Scientific degree, academic title, position.
- Place of work (full name of the institution).
- ORCID ІD (in the format -****-****-****-****).
- e-mail.
- Research interests.
- From the next line – abstract and keywords in the language of the article (volume 2000 characters); keywords – 3-8 terms, separated by ";").
- The text of the article is submitted, revealing each of the elements required (the elements should be marked in the text):
- Problem statement. This section presents the problem in a general context and discusses its connection to important scientific and practical tasks.
- Literature Review. It analyzes recent research and publications related to the topic of the article and defines the aspects of the overall problem addressed in the study.
Aims and Objectives. This subsection outlines the aims and objectives of the article.
Methods. In this section, the authors provide a detailed description of the methods and tools used to achieve the scientific results. The methods are presented in thorough detail to enable any interested researcher to replicate the research process.
Results and Discussion. This section presents the main findings of the research in details. The authors analyze the obtained results, compare them with similar data from other studies on the topic of the article.
Conclusions and Prospects for Futher Research. In this section, the authors outline the main outcomes of the conducted research, highlight limitations regarding the applicability of their findings, and suggest possible directions for future research.
List of sources. The list of used sources must be drawn up according to the requirements of the APA style (7th edition), and in the text, after the quote in parentheses, it should be indicated the author's name, year of publication and pages, for example (Shevchenko, 2020, pp. 6-12).
The list of sources used must be duplicated (transliteration) in Latin (subtitle "References").
We would like to draw authors' attention to the priority of using relevant sources published within the last five years. In the reference list for professional scientific publications, it is essential to include the DOI for each source in the form of a link, such as:
At the end of the articles submitted in Ukrainian, it is noted in English the surname, name, scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, range of scientific interests of the author, title of the article and an abstract in English (abstract volume – 2000 characters).
After the articles submitted in English, it is noted in Ukrainian the surname, name, scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, range of scientific interests of the author, title of the article and an abstract in Ukrainian (abstract volume – 2000 characters).
Ukrainian Educational Journal uses the APA (7th edition) style for bibliography. More information about the APA style (7th edition) can be found here (
Or it can be even used the free bibliographic link generator here (
Authors of manuscripts of articles to the Ukrainian Educational Journal should send the following materials to the e-mail address of the editorial board of the journal
- Electronic version of the article in rtf format, designed in accordance with the requirements (see the section "Requirements for articles"). File name: author's_name.rtf (Petrenko_article.rtf)
- Information about the author: surname, name, patronymic (in full), scientific degree, academic title, place of work, position, range of scientific interests, main scientific and pedagogical achievements, postal address, contact phone number, e-mail address, ORCID. File name: surname of the author_ information.doc. (Petrenko_information.doc)
- Author's photo: file type - JPEG drawing (Petrenko_risunok.jpg).
- Subject of the e-mail: article to UEJ.
Materials are printed in the original language.
The editorial board conducts an internal review of articles. Articles that have a low scientific level or are designed in violation of the requirements will not be published and will not be returned to the authors.
The decision of the editorial board will be notified to the author by e-mail (recommended "for printing", "for revision" or "to reject").
The article processing charge (APC) is 60 UAH per page and is charged only upon publication of the article. This fee includes editing, typesetting, preparation of the article for publication, as well as its publication and placement in scientometric databases.