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directions of development
pedagogical science

How to Cite

Khrykov Є. (2018). DIRECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCE IN UKRAINE. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 99–112. Retrieved from


The article is devoted to the analysis of the condition and prospects for the development of pedagogical science in Ukraine. For this purpose, the features of the paradigm of Ukrainian pedagogical science were characterized and compared with the features of the sciences of education of other countries of the world. The fundamental difference between the national and world science is that we study mainly pedagogical aspects of education, while in other countries, education itself, including pedagogical aspects, is studied with the help of a complex of sciences. This made it possible to determine the main directions for the further development of pedagogical science: the renewal of the focus of scientific research, the reform of the mechanisms for the management of science, the development of the structure and interaction of scientific social institutions, the supplementation of constantly functioning traditional scientific structures with network structures, the development of the methodology of pedagogy, comparative education, the formation of a single research space of Ukrainian pedagogical science, the integration of research of Ukrainian pedagogical science with research within the European and world research space, the transition from individual to collective research, and then to collective science. All these directions constitute an integral system, the implementation of each of them depends on the implementation of all other directions. Conducted research has allowed to reveal one more principle of the development of the pedagogical science – the principle of integrity of development of the pedagogical science

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