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academic mobility
legislative support
regulatory framework
higher education

How to Cite

Silivanova І. (2017). LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT OF STUDENT ACADEMIC MOBILITY IN UKRAINE. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 111–118. Retrieved from https://uej.undip.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/573


The article provides theoretical analysis of the legislative support of student academic mobility in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to examine the content and main provisions of the regulatory and legislative documents that relate to academic mobility in the national system of higher education. The author takes a close look at the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 29, 2013 N 635 «Exemplary regulations on academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions in Ukraine», Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12, 2015 N 579 «On the implementation procedure of academic mobility right». Taking into consideration the fact that further development of academic mobility in Ukraine totally depends on the structural adaptations of national system of higher education to the European standards, the author brings into clear focus the most important orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. For instance, Order «On quality assurance for higher education of Ukraine and its integration into the European and world educational community for the period until 2010» of the MESU dated July 13, 2007 N 612, «On introducing European credit transfer and accumulative system (ECTS) at higher education institutions of Ukraine» of the MESU dated October 16, 2009 N 943, «On the procedure of applying and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons» of the MESU dated November 1, 2013 N 1541 with the amendments, «Some questions of recognition of foreign education documents in Ukraine» of the MESU dated May 05, 2015 N 504, etc. What is more, international agreements on cooperation with foreign higher institutions in the field of education which Ukraine signed in compliance with domestic and international law have also been analyzed. In conclusion the author reflects the need to compose an integral concept for the development of academic mobility and the simplification of the labor and migration legi slation in Ukraine.

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