In the context of martial law in Ukraine, the issues of organizing the educational process and ensuring guarantees of getting a general secondary education are becoming more relevant. The article analyses the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the educational process of secondary education institutions under the conditions of martial law. It is stated that Ukraine is a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence at the Council of Europe. In 2020, the Concept of Artificial Intelligence Development in Ukraine was approved. An overview of the priority areas and main tasks for the development of artificial intelligence technologies was made. The main task of education in the development of artificial intelligence is to train qualified personnel. In the field of general secondary education, this includes the development of digital literacy of students, the active use of digital tools in the educational process, and the training of teachers in the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
The article highlights the possibilities of using AI tools in general secondary education institutions: individualized learning, process automation, distance learning and e-platforms, gamification of learning, virtual tutors and assistants, chatbots, use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), etc. Artificial intelligence can play a key role in developing the skills of the future, including: knowledge of machine learning principles and basic programming skills, social skills and the ability to interact with intelligent systems using voice assistants, chatbots and other interfaces for communication, development of critical thinking, creative skills, which are becoming important in the context of creating new intelligent solutions and applications of artificial intelligence.
The article summarizes the recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process of secondary education institutions under the conditions of martial law, emphasizing the possibility of creating immersive learning environments with artificial intelligence that allow students to learn material interactively, even if their educational institutions have been damaged.
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