The Trends in Using Eponyms for Educative Chemistry Teaching (On Example of D.I. Mendeleev)
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chemical education
chemistry textbook
periodic system
science education

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Slabin В. (2024). The Trends in Using Eponyms for Educative Chemistry Teaching (On Example of D.I. Mendeleev). Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 12–33.


In educative science teaching, the role of positive personal examples is important; often these are outstanding scientists, whose names are enshrined in eponyms, or named notions. The most popular such example in chemical education is D. I. Mendeleev with his primary eponyms: periodic system and periodic table. The research goal was to assess Mendeleev’s suitability as a positive example in educative chemistry teaching and to examine current status of his eponyms in the world. 106 chemistry textbooks in 4 languages, encompassing Soviet and contemporary Russian (11) and Ukrainian (16) were reviewed. Additionally, an advanced Google search in Belarusian, English, German, Latvian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian languages was conducted to gauge the presence of primary eponyms “Mendeleev periodic table” and “Mendeleev periodic system” on the Internet. The findings revealed that primary Mendeleevian eponyms do occur but they are predominantly utilized in the Russian segment of the Internet. While Mendeleev’s portrait and biography held significance in mid‑20th-century Soviet chemistry textbooks, their presence has dwindled, and in some cases disappeared, in current Russian and Ukrainian textbooks. This decline is attributed to (a) obsolescence of associated chemical realities, (b) disputed priority in Mendeleev’s discoveries, (c) an ambiguous perception of Mendeleev’s personality, and (d) mixed feelings towards Russia.
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Bariani, I. C. D. B., Dias, C. G., de Miranda, I., Colosso, M., Rosa, M. M. Z., Marciano, R. P., & Vilela, R. R. (2007). Orientações para busca bibliográfica on-line [A guide to an on-line bibliographic search]. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 11(2), 427–429. (in Portuguese).

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Gould, C. S. (1984). Eponymy and self-predication in Plato’s middle theory of forms. State University of New York at Buffalo ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. (in English).

Govindarajan, G., Rao, S. S., Vaiyapuri, S., & Rao, M. S. (1993). Scientific history and the educational significance of eponyms in science and medical instruction. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 20(4), 340–346. (in English).

Herbart, J. F. (1806). Allgemeine Pädagogik aus dem Zweck der Erziehung abgeleitet [General pedagogics derived from the purpose of education]. Göttingen: bei J. F. Rower. https://www.digitale-­ (in German).

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Lustig, L. R., Jackler, R. K., & Mandelcorn, R. (1998). The history of otology through its eponyms I: Anatomy. The American Journal of Otology, 19(3), 371–389. (in English).

Merton, R. K. (1957). Priorities in scientific discovery: A chapter in the sociology of science. American Sociological Review, 22(6), 635–659. (in English).

Pahnos, M. N., & Butt, K. L. (1992). Ethnocentrism – A universal pride in one’s ethnic background: It’s impact on teaching and learning. Education, 113(1), 118–120. (in English).

Popescu, F. & Popescu C.-M. (2008). On the ethics of eponymization. Translation Studies: Retrospective and Prospective Views, 1(2), 176–187. (in English).

Scerri, E. (2021, April 5). Meyer or Mendeleev: Who created the periodic table? Academic Influence.­guides/meyer-­mendeleev-periodic-­table (in English).

Slabin, U. K. (1995). Prablemy asimiliatsyi prozvishchau zamiezhnyh vuchonyh-­himikau u bielaruskai movie [Problems of transcription of foreign chemists’ names in Belarusian language]. In Prablemy bielaruskai navukovai terminalohii (pp. 225–233). Minsk: Tavarystva Bielaruskai Movy. (in Belarusian).

Slabin, U. (2007). Science education as problematic area in modern education. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(3), 4. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2017a). Chemical eponyms as recognized and perceived by Belarusian and American students. In Euro-­American Scientific Cooperation (Vol. 15, pp. 51–57). Accent Graphics Communication. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2017b). Scientific eponym in educational universe. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(2), 144–147. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2017c). Verkhovsky eponyms in the epoch of educational ethnocentrism. In V. Lamanauskas (Ed.), Science and technology education: Engaging the new generation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE 2017) (pp. 122–124). Scientia Socialis Press. (in English).

Slabin, U. K. (2019b). Knowledge and perception of eponyms in chemistry by university students in Belarus and the United States. The Education and Science Journal, 21(7), 113–142. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2019c). Knowledge of chemical eponyms by university students in Belarus and the United States. Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 3: Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology, 9(3), 116–125. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2022). Productive metaphor of molecular orbitals in education and any viable theory. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(1), 4–6. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2023c). Mendeleev eponyms in the epoch of educational ethnocentrism. In V. Lamanauskas (Ed.), Science and technology education: New developments and innovations. Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE 2023) (pp. 246–258). Scientia Socialis Press. (in English).

Slabin, U. (2023d). Should eponyms be kept? Emphatic yes. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 22(2), 188–191. (in English).

Slabin, U., & Krasitski, V. (2017). For humanization and historicism: How well university students know and what they think about chemical eponyms. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(2), 250–265. (in English).

Stigler, S. M. (1980). Stigler’s Law of Eponymy. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 39(1 Series II), 147–157. (in English).

Thiele, K. R., Smith, G. F., Figueiredo, E., & Hammer, T.A. (2022). Taxonomists have an opportunity to rid botanical nomenclature of inappropriate honorifics in a structured and defensible way. Taxon, 71(6), 1151–1154. (in English).

Wojdon, J. (2018). Textbooks as propaganda: Poland under Communist rule, 1944–1989. Routledge. (in English).

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