Psychological and Didactic Algorithm for Individualization of Educational and Cognitive Activity of Students in Conditions of Blended Learning
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individualization of education
individualization of educational and cognitive activities
institutions of higher education
blended learning

How to Cite

Malykhin О., & Demchuk О. (2024). Psychological and Didactic Algorithm for Individualization of Educational and Cognitive Activity of Students in Conditions of Blended Learning. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 45–52.


The article deals with the development of a psychological-­didactic algorithm for the individualization of the educational and cognitive activity of students in the conditions of blended learning, which consists of the following components: familiarization of the teacher with the psychological-­didactic features of the organization and the implementation of pedagogical actions (didactic, psychological-­didactic, etc.) aimed at ensuring the individualization of students’ education in the conditions of blended learning; providing assistance to the teacher regarding the study of individual (individual-­psychological and individual-­typological) characteristics of students; acquaintance with the specifics of the formation, development and diagnosis of the level of formation and the level of development of the key competencies of students; selection of diagnostic tools for measuring the level of formation and development of the cross-­cutting skills, key and subject competencies; development of individual (individual-­independent) tasks for students; the teacher’s awareness of the direct correlation of the dependence of his/her ability to work individually with students on the development level of his/her digital competence.
It was concluded that based on the results of a systematic diagnosis of the level of development of the key competencies and cross-­cutting skills, taking into account the individual psychological and individual-­typological features of students, choosing diagnostics to identify the level of development of the above-­mentioned key competencies and cross-­cutting skills, the teacher can evaluate the effectiveness of the individual tasks selected by him/her, projects, etc. for students, and if necessary, to correct individual gaps in acquired knowledge and formed abilities and skills of students.
The proposed means of diagnosing the level of development of the key competencies and cross-­cutting skills of students can also be used for the purpose of formative assessment of educational achievements of higher education seekers and correction of their further individual educational trajectory.
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