Formation of Open Educational Space in Territorial Communities of Rural Area
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united territorial community
management of education in rural areas
open educational space

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Pushkarova Т., & Koval-­Maziuta М. (2024). Formation of Open Educational Space in Territorial Communities of Rural Area. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 81–87.


Under the conditions of decentralization of power and the transfer of a number of functions, including the functions of management of the sphere of education, from the center to the localities, the problem arose with ensuring public openness of local self-government bodies in the sphere of interaction with the residents of the territorial community regarding the satisfaction of their security, information, logistical, educational, household and many other everyday requirements.
Analyzing the process of reorganization of the management-­organizational architecture of the national education system, it is necessary to focus the attention of the society on the fact that the innovations proposed by the authorities are objectively new and completely unknown functions for the united territorial communities of the countryside. Thus, managers and educators working in such communities should be psychologically motivated and professionally prepared for the implementation of reform ideas, with the help of which the educational space of the rural community should become high-quality, interesting, accessible and open.
In this context, it should be noted that the educational model, in which science was removed from the realities of life, and teachers, especially teachers in rural areas, practically did not have large-­scale access to the world’s information resource, is gradually receding into the past. At the same time, the idea of forming an open space of territorial communities in rural areas with the joint interaction of state institutes in the field of education management, scientific and educational institutions, local self-government bodies in united communities and direct residents of rural areas looks completely realistic. In this way, implementing the guidelines on decentralization of education is a real matter, but finding answers to important questions about the development of open educational space in rural areas is and should be the responsibility of managers and educators together.
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