Decolonization of Ukrainian Pedagogical Biography: Theoretical Contours
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pedagogical biography
pedagogical personality
history of education
decolonial approach

How to Cite

Mikhno О. (2024). Decolonization of Ukrainian Pedagogical Biography: Theoretical Contours. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 104–113.


The article deals with the problem of decolonization of Ukrainian humanities and pedagogical biography in particular. It is stated that the existence of a legislative framework and the development of civil society in Ukraine have strengthened the process of decolonization, which is complex and includes decommunization, de-­Sovietization and derussification. It is argued that only a democratic country can carry out successful decolonization through state institutions and civil society. It is noted that the theoretical basis for understanding the concept of decolonization in the context of humanities is the decolonial works of foreign and Ukrainian authors, which analyze the leading role of culture, language and history in the process of colonization. It is emphasized that a necessary condition for the success of colonialism was the destruction of the colonized by violence: genocide (physical destruction of the other), epistemicide (destruction of the knowledge system and culture of the other), axiocide (destruction/distortion of the values of the other and an attempt to completely erase any history of genocide and epistemicide from public memory).
It has been found that practical decolonization projects and individual studies are ahead of the theoretical development of the application of the decolonial approach in Ukrainian pedagogical biography. The importance of rethinking the traditional concepts of producing biographical knowledge and creating biographical narratives that were formed in the context of colonial and postcolonial dependence is emphasized.
On the basis of the study of decolonial studies by contemporary foreign scholars, the concepts that constitute the essence of the decolonial approach are identified: decolonial pedagogy, decoloniality, epistemological decolonization, contextualization, and dialogical historiography. The ideas of practical application of these concepts in Ukrainian pedagogical biography are theoretically substantiated and outlined. A promising direction for further research in the field of pedagogical biography based on the decolonial approach is the consideration of the personalities and heritage of educators of the Soviet period.
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