The article substantiates the relevance of the problem concerning the use of digital learning technologies in the educational environment of primary school; generalizes theoretical developments on the integration of interactive technologies into the learning process based on pedagogical priorities in modern education.
Based on the analysis of available domestic and foreign research, the stages of e-textbook evolution from simple digital copies of printed publications to interactive multimedia resources are highlighted. The semantics of the concept of an electronic interactive textbook are defined with the specification of content in accordance with the needs of the educational process in primary classes. Common features of paper and electronic textbooks are established; the main technological characteristics of an electronic textbook are singled out. The requirements for taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of modern junior schoolchildren during the development of electronic teaching aids are substantiated. It is emphasized that in teaching children aged 6–8, the use of technology should perform an auxiliary function, while issues of child health and development remain paramount.
The publication analyzes the instrumental capabilities of an electronic interactive textbook on the integrated course “I Explore the World” by N. M. Bibik, H. P. Bondarchuk, T. S. Pavlova for grades 1–4. The structure of the textbook is described, its interactive functions and capabilities (tests, games, process modeling, etc.) are illustrated by examples. The results of long-term testing are presented; based on a survey data of teachers, a comparative analysis of the benefits of e-textbooks over paper ones was carried out (time saving, ease of use, accompanying monitoring of students’ learning achievements), qualitative characteristics of changes in students’ learning activities were identified (increased motivation, greater independence, the manifestation of critical thinking).
The results of a survey of teachers on the effectiveness of using an electronic interactive textbook are presented; the expediency of combining both formats – electronic and traditional (paper) – has been clarified.
It is substantiated the perspective of further improvement and implementation of e-textbooks in the educational process of primary school for the implementation of individual and differentiated approaches in teaching; increasing the cognitive motivation of students.
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