Peculiarities of the Organization of Work of a Preschool Education Institution for the Development of the Pedagogical Culture of Parents of Young Children
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preschool education institution
work with parents
preschool childhood
pedagogical culture

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Shvets Т. (2024). Peculiarities of the Organization of Work of a Preschool Education Institution for the Development of the Pedagogical Culture of Parents of Young Children. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 161–167.


The article examines the peculiarities of the organization of the preschool education institution’s work on the development of the pedagogical culture of parents of young children. The author substantiates the importance of the formation of the mentioned phenomenon in the institution of preschool education, analyzes the scientific developments of scientists regarding the studied concept. The “pedagogical culture” is characterized as a component of the general culture of the individual, which is connected with the experience of effective transfer of cultural heritage to the younger generations with the help of the educational process. Pedagogical culture is a component of the general culture of the individual, which refers to the experience of effective transfer of cultural heritage by older generations to younger ones, with the help of the educational process. It is noted that parents are active subjects of the educational process, who chaotically transfer cultural experience to the younger generation.
It is indicated that in many preschool education institutions there is an active search and implementation of such forms of cooperation with families of young children that would contribute to the achievement of a high-quality level of communication (questionnaires, parent meetings, counseling, open door days, etc.). In the organization of communication with parents, the use of collective, individual and visual and informational forms of interaction is distinguished.
Also, the priority form of development of the pedagogical culture of parents of young children is defined as the frontal form of organization, the practical implementation of which is carried out with the help of seminars-­workshops, thematic exhibitions and conferences for parents. They also use group (analysis of pedagogical and educational situations, thematic consultations) and individual forms.
Individual consultations using educational platforms Zoom, Google meet, interactive group and face-to-face work using Mentimeter, Trello, Padlet, etc. resources are relevant for the remote format of interaction.
The studies were analyzed in general and it was stated that the family is the natural environment of the basic socialization of the child, the source of its psychological, emotional and material support, a means of preservation and transmission of cultural values and traditions from generation to generation. It is the center of the primary harmonious development of young children, but the state of development of children in such conditions is unsatisfactory and requires the provision of professional pedagogical support to parents raising young children.
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