The article describes the system of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children in the front-line community on the example of the work of the Communal Institution “Educational Complex “School of Liberal Arts” of the Kherson Regional Council (Kherson). In the building of the elementary school, a safe shelter has been arranged, which meets all the standards and is as comfortable as possible for children, teachers and parents, and along with this the Centre for Psychological Assistance for Children has been established. The relevance of such a Centre is indisputable, since the city, which is home to more than 8,000 children, has been shelled every day since December 2022. The parents’ request led to the organization in the 2023/2024 academic year of complex classes in small groups, where not only a practical psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, but also elementary school and English language teachers work with children. In addition, the Educational Laboratory of psychological support for participants in the educational process has started to work.
The actions of the “School of Liberal Arts” administration regarding the rehabilitation of children are based on the results of questionnaires of parents and children, partially presented in the article.
In accordance with the subject of scientific research, the peculiarities of children’s reactions to difficulties and stressful situations compared to the reactions of adults were revealed, and the importance of psychological work not only with children, but also with their parents was determined. A list of methods used by psychologists in individual work with families and teachers as well as the schedule of individual consultations at the Centre for students of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades are provided.
Since the described system of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation shows positive dynamics and encouraging changes are objectively observed, the main conclusion is the need for a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of children in frontline communities.
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