Peer review policy

The scientific periodical "Ukrainian Educational Journal" is a professional periodical of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

Author manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial board (with the exception of reviews, review articles, and informative reports) must undergo a peer review procedure. The purpose of the peer review is to ensure the quality of the printed materials of the scientific collection of works by means of an independent professional evaluation of the content of the article and determination of its compliance with scientific works according to domestic and international quality parameters, which contributes to the positive image and popularity of the periodical in scientific circles.

The peer review procedure involves a comprehensive analysis of the materials of the article, providing an objective assessment of its content, structure and writing style, determining whether the article meets the requirements for articles in the scientific periodical "Ukrainian Educational Journal". Only those articles that have scientific value and contribute to the solution of current problems of pedagogical science and practice are accepted for publication.

Two independent experts are involved in the article peer review process, who provide their conclusions in written form. The peer review procedure is anonymous, both for the reviewer and for the authors. Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and belong to that information that is not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the article submitted for peer review or use the materials of the article before its publication. Peer review takes place on the basis of confidentiality, when information about the article (receipt terms, content, stages and specifics of peer review, comments and suggestions of reviewers and the final decision on publication) is not communicated to anyone except the authors and reviewers. Violation of this requirement is possible only if there are signs or a statement regarding the unreliability or falsification of the article materials. With the consent (desire) of the authors and reviewers, reviewers' comments may be printed together with the article.

The author of the manuscript of the article is given the opportunity to read the text of the review, in particular if he/she does not agree with the conclusions of the reviewer.


  1. The author submits an article to the editorial board that must meet the requirements for articles in the scientific periodical "Ukrainian Educational Journal" and the general rules for preparing scientific papers for publication. Manuscripts that do not meet the accepted requirements are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration, and their authors are informed about it.
  2. Author manuscripts submitted to the editorial board are initially evaluated by the responsible secretary for the presence of all structural components (abstracts, information about the author, the volume of the manuscript) and are sent according to the research profile to two reviewers. Reviewers are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief of the publication or by his/her decision (under certain circumstances) the appointment of reviewers may be delegated to a member of the editorial board. In some cases, the issue of selecting reviewers is decided at a meeting of the editorial board. According to the decision of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, individual articles by outstanding scientists, as well as specially invited articles, may be exempted from the standard peer review procedure.
  3. Highly qualified specialists with in-depth professional knowledge and work experience in a specific scientific field, usually doctors of science, professors, are involved in the peer review process.
  4. Having studied the title and abstract of the article, the reviewer declares that there is no conflict of interest and consents to the review.
  5. After receiving the article for consideration (within 14 days), the reviewer evaluates the manuscript of the article. Peer review terms may change in each individual case, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most objective assessment of the quality of the submitted materials. If there are any competing interests, the reviewer must withdraw from the peer review and inform the editorial board about it. The latter should decide on the appointment of another reviewer.
  6. The reviewer provides a conclusion on the possibility / impossibility of placing the article in a scientific collection of works or on the need for revision and placement in the next issue of the publication.
  7. The peer review is conducted confidentially according to the principles of double-blind peer review (two-way "blind" review, when neither the author nor the reviewer knows about each other). Interaction between the author and the reviewers is carried out through the responsible secretary of the publication through e-mail correspondence. At the request of the reviewer and upon agreement with the working group of the editorial board, the interaction between the author and the reviewer can take place in an open mode (such a decision is taken only if the openness of the interaction will improve the style and logic of the presentation of the research material).
  8. For all articles submitted for peer review, the degree of uniqueness of the author's text is determined using appropriate software (a check for plagiarism is carried out).
  9. After the final analysis of the article, the reviewer fills out a standardized form, which provides recommendations for improving the materials of the article. During the preparation of the form, generally recognized recommendations regarding the sequence and organization of the peer review process (ReviewQualityInstrument) were used and summarized. The editorial office informs the author about the results of the peer review by e-mail.
  10. If the reviewer indicates the need to make certain corrections to the article, the article is sent to the author with a proposal to take the comments into account when preparing an updated version of the article or to refute them with arguments. After finalizing the article, the author sends it along with a letter in which he/she justifies his/her decision to accept or reject the reviewers' recommendations and explains all the changes that were made to the text. The corrected version of the article is resubmitted to the reviewer for decision-making and preparation of a conclusion on the possibility of publication. The date of acceptance of the article for publication is considered the date of receipt by the editorial office of a positive opinion of the reviewer (or decision of the editorial board) regarding the expediency and possibility of publication of the article.
  11. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to submit a reasoned answer to the editorial office of the journal. In this case, the article is considered at a meeting of the working group of the editorial board. The editorial board may send the article to another specialist for additional review. The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles in the event of the author's inability or unwillingness to take into account the wishes and comments of the reviewers. At the reviewer's request, the editorial board can provide the article to another reviewer with mandatory observance of the principles of double-blind review.
  12. The final decision regarding the possibility and expediency of publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief (or, on his/her behalf, by a member of the editorial board), and, if necessary, by a meeting of the editorial board. After the decision to accept the article for publication, the responsible secretary informs the author about it and indicates the expected date of publication.
  13. In the case of receiving a positive decision on the possibility of publishing the article, the responsible secretary adds it to the content of the next issue of the scientific periodical "Ukrainian Educational Journal", which is approved at the meeting of the scientific council of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (an appropriate note is made about this on the second page of the publication).
  14. The article approved for publication is submitted to the literary editor. Minor stylistic or formal corrections that do not affect the content of the article are made by the literary editor without agreement with the author. If necessary or at the request of the author, the manuscripts in the form of an article layout are returned to the author for approval.

The author and the reviewer are responsible for the reliability of the given facts and data, the validity of the research conclusions and recommendations, and the scientific and practical level of the article.