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How to Cite

Pyrozhenko Л. (2015). ELECTIVE COURSES AS A COMPONENT OF EDUCATION DIFFERENTIATION IN 60-80-S OF THE XX CENTURY. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 198–208. Retrieved from https://uej.undip.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/102


The article analyzes the process of the content differentiation at the comprehensive secondary education in pedagogical theory and practice of school education in the late 60‑s-80-s of the XX century. The development of the approaches to the elective courses organization, the formation requirements for the selection and the structuring of their content, the choice of the methods and the forms of extracurricular activities were demonstrated. Despite some flaws and shortcomings in the studied period, the approaches to designing the variative curricula were proposed and specified; the requirements for the selection of the elective courses content were created. By means of the elective courses, the real prerequisites for the more dynamic and productive development of the pupils’ interests and aptitudes as well as the differentiated approach to the formation of their creative abilities and talents were developed. They helped to deepen the students’ knowledge in certain subjects, to improve practical skills and abilities, to develop their interest in a particular field of study. The division of the educational material into basic, mandatory for all students and additional one that has been designed for individual pupils, made it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process, avoiding the pupils’ overpressure at the mandatory lessons and stimulating the development of their cognitive as well as professional interests. Besides, the implementation of the elective courses helped to stabilize the core content of education, as they approbated only new themes and parts of school courses as well as teaching methods and checked the educational and pedagogical as well as the scientific-practical feasibility of the new subjects introduction.

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