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How to Cite

Shauliakova-Barzenka І. (2015). ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK-NAVIGATOR FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL: METHODICAL FEATURES OF USE. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 251–260. Retrieved from https://uej.undip.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/139


In the article the interrelation between structurally functional specifics of the electronic textbook-navigator and a choice of training model is opened. The electronic textbook-navigator is the type of the educational edition, essentially new for the Belarusian secondary school. It has new functional characteristics: provides coordination of the basic learning content with other components of an educational complex. The textbooknavigator also possesses innovative didactic capabilities and technological parameters. Among these parameters are the foundation hypertext, multimedia content, interactivity, cross-platform. The key factors which define organizational and methodical model of use of the textbooknavigator are analyzed by the author. These factors includetype of the educational edition, the specificity of a subject, specific features of pupils’ development, teachers’ IT-competence, a sufficient level of development of the information educational environment of the school. In this article functionality of the innovative educational edition is considered in interrelation of didactic, methodical, health saving, resource aspects. The author offers the generalized vision of a model cycle which is connected with use of the textbook-navigator at modern school. The model cycle includes: diagnostics of readiness to use the textbooknavigator of all categories of participants in the educational process (teachers, pupils, technical specialists, administration), methodical and technical support of the educational process (including consulting support, the training activities, etc.), monitoring of efficiency of use, pedagogical correction (based on the results of monitoring).

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