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Talalai, Y. (2016). SYSTEM OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION IN EU MEMBERS COUNTRIES: COMMON AND DIFFERENT FEATURES. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 53–58. Retrieved from


The phenomena and processes that accompany the process of European unification predetermined the necessity to reform the previous system of education and improve the skills of teachers in some countries of the European Union (EU). European integration requires convergence of educational systems both in terms of structural, substantive and methodological approaches. At this time, there was a need to increase the level of qualifications and the general training of the teaching staff in the Member States. The future of Europe will depend on the quality of education, its volume and level. The purpose of the article is to describe the common features in the system of teachers’ education in the Member States.
According to this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:
1) to describe the requirements that apply to teachers of foreign languages in the Member States;
2) to highlight the differences in the system of teacher education in the Member States;
3) to cover the duration of training teachers of foreign languages in the Member States;
4) to describe the priority policies and objectives of teacher education in the Member States.
Despite the different qualifications, working conditions, the teacher in schools in the Member States have to meet the general requirements, such as:
1. A teacher should be a good expert on perfect knowledge and scientific culture, giving you not only transmit knowledge but also arouse interest and propensity of students to learning.
2. In his/her didactic work, teacher must skillfully use the latest technological advances, such as sources of new information and skills, and encourage students to use these technological advances in the educational process.
3. A teacher should advise the students and their parents professionally in complex conflict situations, such as choosing a career, etc.
4. Teachers should encourage their students to organize various activities in educational and cultural fields, such as regional youth programs.
5. Through the continuous and the comprehensive improvement, a teacher should remain the authority for students; have a positive impact on students.
6. Teachers should be open to changes in the scientific, technical, educational, social and cultural spheres.
7. A teacher should love their work.

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