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How to Cite

Rudyshyn С., Koreneva І., & Samilyk В. (2016). ECOLOGICAL COMPETENCE AS A GENERAL COMPETENCE OF THE TEACHER OF NATURAL DISCIPLINES. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 74–83. Retrieved from


The article deals with the content and structure of ecological competence of the teacher of natural sciences on the basis of sustainable development. «Sustainability» and «sustainable development» are familiar words that are used quite frequently but are not always easy to define or explain. The term «sustainable development» is referred to the ideal society standing in the future, which does not yet exist; however, the humanity is trying to work towards creating conditions for sustainable development in in all countries including Ukraine. The original, and oft cited, definition of «sustainable development» is from the World Commission on Environment and Development: «Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs». This definition is based on three three «pillars» of sustainable development (economic development, social development and environmental protection). The main goals for sustainability in education include: bringing about changes in behaviour and lifestyles; disseminating knowledge and developing skills; incorporating sustainability in pedagogy; incorporating sustainability in management practices and processes; preventing the exhaustion of non-renewable resources; education for well-being and peace education; rights of indigenous cultures; integration etc. Author’s definition of the term «ecological competence» is suggested, its structure and contain are determined. The ecological competence of a teacher is an ability to realize strategy of the sustainable development actively, responsibly and effectively to the ecologization of public consciousness and economy with the purpose of the balanced socio-economic development of society and maintainance of nature. Education about the environment focuseson students understanding of important facts, concepts and theories. Today there is no an alternative to the concept of sustainable соevolution соevolution development «society – biosphere» system. Education for Sustainable Development provides a vision of education that seeks to balance human and economic wellbeing with cultural traditions and respect for the environment (biosphere). The necessity of the inclusion of ecological competence of the state standards of higher education.

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