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mobile-­developmental means
artistic image
artistic-­figurative thinking

How to Cite

Pismichenko О., & Borysyuk З. (2021). MOBILE – DEVELOPMENTAL MEANS OF FORMATION OF ARTISTIC AND FIGURATIVE THINKING IN АGF STUDENTS. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 45–50.


The article authors believe that every study on artistic-­figurative thinking of students is relevant, as there is a need for teachers-­artists of a new formation, able to think figuratively and creatively, constantly looking for new ideas to solve creative problems, which demonstrates the creative search process and its result.
It is stipulated that in order to motivate students to conceptual-­emotional penetration into the image, in contrast to the one-dimensional assimilation of artistic disciplines, it is necessary to use a “hermeneutic approach” that stimulates artistic and figurative thinking of students, encourages artistic reflection consciousness for multidimensional creative comprehension and rethinking of works of art. Attention is drawn to the fact that the presented and substantiated “hermeneutic approach” covers the following: socio-­cultural figurative space; semiotic-­figurative space (language, text, on the basis of which the principles of creative communication are carried out); trinary sign-figurative-­symbolic space (all creative activity is symbolic, based on figurative-­symbolic consciousness).
In the context of identifying the origins of artistic-­figurative representation, highlights the fact that the formation of the image is impossible without a sign, and the formation of the structure of the artistic image on this basis involves a rational “rethinking” of the material. The method of teaching students of art and graphic faculties is effective while improving their practical skills to “solve” artistic and figurative tasks that require imaginary reproduction, creation and transformation of spatial images, including solving problems on “imaginary” creatively embodied figurative constructions, to find different ways of solving image-­stereometric problems, as well as problems that contribute to the development of image-­stereometric representation in students.
It is emphasized that the content of mobile-­developmental teaching aids for the formation of artistic-­figurative thinking of students should be considered in an integrative context – as the relationship of different elements of disclosure of multifaceted reflection of various “figurative language” lines, colors perceived by sight, hearing and other senses.
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