This paper presents the foreign language professional competence of students in the process of learning English for professional purposes. Domestic and European experience of diagnostics of foreign language professional competence of students in the process of studying English for professional purposes is considered. The professional competence of students is analyzed in detail. It is important to assess the level of professional competence of students in the process of learning English in a professional direction.
In this article we highlight the theoretical and methodological aspects of the diagnosis of foreign language professional competence of students in the process of learning English for professional purposes.
We determined that the basis of effective teaching of foreign languages should be the interdisciplinary interaction of teachers and close relationship between the content and approaches to the teaching of general authentic, professional disciplines and disciplines “Foreign language of professional orientation”.
Thanks to the interest in foreign languages in the present-day world, the attention of the scientific community has shifted from the study of the peculiarities of literary foreign language to the study of the language used in real communication of specialists in certain industries.
The specificity of foreign language professional competence is determined by professional orientation. By studying professionally-oriented literature and receiving new information from it, students expand their professional competence. The discipline, being theoretical in form, contains a huge potential of knowledge that can expand the professional worldview of the future specialist and make a significant contribution to its formation as a skilled worker.
Foreign language professional competence can be embodied in activities that include such language activities as obtaining information from the Internet, presentation of material, written and oral exchange of information (including e-mail), expression of opinion, discussion, etc.
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