The article is dedicated to the analysis of practices and perspectives of integrative teaching of history in grades 5–9. The authors conducted an online survey of teachers to determine the actual state of implementation of the integrated approach to teaching history. The analysis of teachers’ answers induces to believe that the vast majority of respondents perceive the integrative approach in teaching history positively and see its potential in the formation of students’ key and subject-specific competencies; overcoming the fragmentary and patchiness of their knowledge; the formation of an integrative (systemic) type of thinking; deeper engagement of everyday human activities with learning.
The survey data made it possible to identify the main problems arising in the implementation of the integrative approach to teaching history in secondary education, such as the following: passivity of participants of the educational process, lack of both teaching time and time for teacher training; lack of methods of integrative teaching; overload of the educational program and history textbooks, inconsistency of the study of related topics in different subjects in different grades. According to the authors, for solving the identified problems and avoiding potential risks, it is necessary to develop and implement in the educational process a special methodology of integrative teaching of history.
The article defines the perspectives for further researches related to the development, testing and implementation in the educational process of methods of integrative teaching of history, curricula and school textbooks based on integrative approach. In particular, the methodology of integration of educational historical content requires further study: selection criteria, principles of design, ways of realization; features of preparation and realizing of integrative lessons and projects; methodology of development and implementation of integrative courses programs; definition of forms and methods of integrative learning for formation of competencies and transversal skills of students through various subjects; the principles of textbook development on integrative teaching of history and the principles of its design.
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