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teaching technologies
ICT in higher education
efficiency of digital teaching
distance learning

How to Cite

Lyaska, O., Chagrak, N., & Stryzhenko, T. . (2021). EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 106–115. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2021-3-106-115


Blended learning and teaching technologies have become the basis of distance higher education in a pandemic. ICT contributes to the dynamic development of digital pedagogy, providing intensification of the educational process. The article studies the effectiveness of teaching technologies in the context of distance higher education by measuring the effects of its application in the educational process. It has been proven that the use of ICT has a number of advantages and at the same time causes an increase in the workload on the teacher due to the sharp need for the transition to distance education and the lack of digital skills. The effectiveness of digital teaching thanks to IT tools in the following areas is proved: communication, self-control, assessment, preparation of materials, performance of tasks. Improvements in performance measures such as: increased attendance; increasing the level of control and responsibility, perception of the importance of the course tasks by students; reduction of time for receiving and searching for materials; reduction of time for preparation of materials by teachers; growth of the level of loading and processing of materials; significant reduction of time for the course and its organization. Teachers rated the effectiveness of teaching technologies in distance education when using IT tools higher than students. Students’ assessments of the processing of materials and tasks are higher than the assessments of teachers, which characterizes a certain level of subjectivity of students in assessing their own educational activities. Teachers noted a significant reduction in time for the course and its organization / Teachers have more functions for the organization of the educational process and more broadly characterize the effect of the use of IT tools, compared to students. The frequency of use of IT tools of the experimental group significantly exceeds the frequency of the control group. In addition to traditional IT tools, teachers are actively using new IT tools, which has two consequences: both the development of digital skills and simplification of the educational process, and increasing the workload on the teacher.

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