The article presents foreign practices (the EU, the USA, China, Singapore, South Korea, India, Malaysia) in the field of sustainable digital development of education and society. It is shown that the education policy of economically developed countries highlights the concept of “smart growth”. The key aspect of this concept lies in the development of IT education. The latter is aimed at the following: the constant updating of degree programmes; the establishment of IT training centres; the promotion of distance learning; the expanding of a network of virtual learning communities; the involvement of foreign students in IT degree programmes; a guarantee of employment in IT industry and digital jobs in other labour markets. Given Ukraine’s integration into the EU, it seems crucial to take into account European legislation and European practices in the field of IT education development in key areas (digital education of the population and training of qualified specialists in digital technologies; sustainable development of efficient and secure digital infrastructure; digital development of business and public sector). Also, the article describes how developed countries implement state education policy, which can be of interest to Ukrainian experts in the development of IT education (effective monitoring of the quality of IT education at all levels; state support for developing digital skills in all citizens; development of non-formal and informal IT education; strengthening of public-private partnership to promote information and media literacy among the population; focus on digital well-being of society and cybersecurity of the state; high-quality preparation of IT specialists to create independent, innovative digital content, and protect personal and national intellectual property).
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