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educational level

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Maksymenko О. (2021). DECENTRALASATION IN EDUCATION OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: EXPERIENCE OF NORWAY. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 77–87.


The article deals with the decentralization of education in modern conditions of its new format of functioning as an important component in the implementation of the tasks of sustainable development of the world community in accordance with the strategic objectives set by UNESCO. The theoretical basis of the research is the characteristics of the process of decentralization of education as a tool for changing a society at the present stage and its components based on the analysis of research by European and Ukrainian scientists, statistics of international organizations on the development of the phenomenon in the country. In the European area, Norwegian decentralized education is distinguished by its achievements in management and funding, where the state is the main player, which is also the driving force of change.
Decentralization of education is implemented through the national policy aimed at supporting the public and private sectors as the opportunities to diversify the national education, building social interaction at all government and educational levels as well as their openness, cooperation and support. Territorially, the national decentralization is built on the basis of administrative division and delegation of powers to regional and municipal levels with the responsibility for particular educational levels. The degree of decentralization at the educational levels varies according to the principle from lower to higher, concentrating in higher education. Education is funded by the state, including private institutions and with parental contributions regulated by the law.
It has been demonstrated the education as an instrument of democratization, citizenship and decentralization of the country’s community through its reforms and through the active involvement of all stakeholders in this process at every level of education. The peculiarities of the current decentralization of the national education system encompass: existing and new forms of governance and funding, active cooperation of all levels of power with appropriate empowerment according to the functions performed in the transparent system of interactions, the responsibilities and freedom at all educational levels, the encouragement for all community members to participate in dealing with the issues and further educational reforms.
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