The article highlights the results of theoretical research in the field of standardization of general secondary education. The dynamics of changes in the principles of building educational standards is studied, the advantages and disadvantages of the «content» and «results» standards are identified. The conceptual foundations of reforming general secondary education are clarified from the point of view of the standard of «results», which are factors in selecting the content and types of educational and cognitive activities. The new essence of the education standard determines the modernization of the educational process according to the «results-oriented education model». The main categories of this model are education standards, competence, and introduction of new forms of assessment, feedback and quality assurance of education. The results-oriented education model contains student-oriented methods and focuses on reliably measuring learning performance (outcome). It is the «learning result» that is at the center of the General Secondary Education reform.
The next factor in the full implementation of the concept of reforming general secondary education is the process of forming the content of academic subjects / integrated courses based on the branches of education of the state standard. Based on the study of education standards, the problems of their structuring by educational industries are revealed: the absence of a single-digit interpretation of the «branch» of education, principles of forming a list of industries, their functions. It is proposed to base the scientific justification of the choice of educational industries on the principle of complementarity of pedagogically appropriate information and the functions of the industry in the formation of key competencies of educational applicants.
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