The article presents problems related to the quality of training of future managers, i. e., non-
compliance with the requirements of employers in the modern labor market of graduate training. Not all existing methods and forms of training contribute to the proper level of project competence formation. The article emphasizes that the graduate, first of all, must be competitive and ready for continuous development. The project competence of the manager is characterized by his ability and willingness to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities that will ensure the success of project activities, awareness of the social significance of the manager’s profession and personal responsibility for the result. Project competence is a component of a complex system of professional competence, due to a set of certain personality traits, its high level of professional readiness for project activities. Thus, an integral part of the educational process aimed at solving this problem is interactive learning, carried out in various forms of joint activities of students. One of the innovations for the competent formation of project competence in the training of future managers is the following interactive methods and forms of learning: “problem-project” lecture, simulation methods of active learning, project-business game, project method and case method. The article describes the methodological aspects of these methods and forms of teaching. It is concluded that the considered interactive methods and forms of learning allow to activate students’ thinking, to intensify the development of students’ independent decisions that will ensure greater learning productivity. In the formation of project competence of future managers, the greatest effect is the complex application of such forms and methods of interactive learning as “problem-project” lecture, simulation methods of active learning, project-business game, project method and case method.
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