The general features of the introduction of media didactics in school education focused on technologies of application of media in the educational process are considered in the article. It is emphasized that media didactics opens opportunities in teaching Ukrainian, which provides interactivity of the educational process, the formation of motivation for self-development of the individual, stimulates students to have a positive attitude to learning the subject. Contradictions related to various aspects of implementation (between access to media and the availability of software; the level of pedagogical and media psychological competence of teachers and the level of students; the formation of media culture of the individual and awareness of his/her role in the media environment; between ICT skills, communication through the media, obtaining the necessary information and understanding of reality; developmental opportunities for interaction in the media space and the ability to resist media information influences; ensuring the needs of the individual and the requirements of the current program on the subject). Certain advantages are outlined (teaching Ukrainian on the basis of media didactics is introduced; necessary competencies, media information literacy, critical thinking are formed by means of media; intercultural dialogue is encouraged, creativity is developed; new forms of education are introduced; social tolerance is formed; digital value is given). Attention is focused on media didactic modeling of educational actions of schoolchildren during the use of media products in order to perform educational, problem-solving exercises. The system of tasks developed by the authors provides for the formation of media competencies and the achievement of expected results. It is argued that the education of students based on media didactics will promote the activation of cognitive activity, will form information literacy, culture. The scientific perspective directions of modernization of school education in the conditions of development of media didactics are revealed.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Галина Корицька, Світлана Богдзієвич