Modern didactics cannot do without the modeling method, both in its research and educational activities. Modeling involves forecasting the processes of teaching various disciplines on the basis of objectively existing laws, regularities and principles of modern pedagogical psychology and didactics. As for the regularities of pedagogical modeling, they were substantiated by us in the previous works. In this work, we introduced the principles of pedagogical modeling, which correlate with the established regularities, namely: 1) the principle of completeness of information about the organizational, content and procedural blocks of the educational process under development; 2) the principle of adequacy of the developed model to the existing practice of educational activity; 3) the principle of creating a modelmatrix of the educational process with its constant and invariant components. The first ones guarantee its scientifically grounded effectiveness, and the second ones - the variety of its forms for different academic subjects; 4) the principle of consistency in the structure of the educational process through the invariability of its links and forms of their interconnection; as well as using the established form of planning the content of each link; 5) the principle of integrity of the educational process not only through the interconnection of all its components: organizational, content and procedural, but also the elements within each of them; 6) the principle of dynamics of the educational process in all its blocks and their links; 7) the principle of continuity of the educational process through the right to study a new material under the condition of complete mastering of the previously learned one and thereby the possibility of resolving the contradictions between the existing knowledge and the needs for new knowledge acquired on the basis of the developed reflexive activity; 8) the principle of stability of the educational process through the prevention of its bifurcation by actions leading to chaos in the established pedagogical order. The principles of pedagogical modeling substantiated by us will ensure a high degree of validity of the educational models in various disciplines, and hence a high level of effectiveness of the educational process.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Раїса Мартинова, Світлана Боднар