The article is dedicated to the important linguo-didactic issue - formation of students' creative potential at Ukrainian language lessons. The author outlines a semantic field of issue and defines didactic tools that can spark students' desire to create, to form their creative work and creative thinking skills. To orient Ukrainian language lessons at a lyceum on the realization of these tasks, the researcher clarifies key concepts and determines the specifics of such work at Ukrainian language lessons. As a result of the analysis of scientific achievements of psychologists, educators, educational experts it is shown how concepts of "innovativeness" and "creativity" are correlated, as well as how innovativeness and creativity of an individual are expressed, how important it is to concentrate Efforts on forming a creative personality of a modern student. The article draws attention to the experience of the staff of the Institute of Pedagogy at the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which became the basis of Ukrainian language textbooks at schools, and recommends tasks and exercises aimed at forming students' creative thinking, creative skills and the development of imagination as an important foundation of creativity. The author shares the findings of scientists, according to which creativity is the most important thinking tool and not just a subject, so creative thinking should be trained. In the process of developing competency oriented methodology in teaching Ukrainian language to students, the author thinks it necessary to utilize psychological methods and techniques. Much attention is paid to dealing with texts containing certain issues in them. In order to enrich modern techniques it is important for students to become aware of its features. Therefore, it is necessary to form a creative approach to life in students because it involves finding new, unexpected solutions to different life situations happening daily and is an impetus for the selfactualization of a young person.
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