The author substantiates the conceptual foundations and method concepts of writing a new reading textbook as a component of the educational provision of the language and literary education area. The requirements of the new normative base, theoretical provisions of modern didactics and methods regarding the process and results of the educational recipients that reflect a new understanding of education quality in the current socio-economic and educational conditions of the Ukrainian school development are taken into account. The resultative approach has fundamentally changed the technology of constructing the content of school education, determined the basic role of competence and environmental approaches, the modern implementation of the principles of child-centricity, the subject-subject of learning, the saving attitude to human and natural resources. Accordingly, the methodological concepts and methods of implementation in the textbook of three content lines: “Interact Verbally”, “Read”, “Explore the Media” are highlighted. Requirements of the content line “Interact Verbally” realized due to the variability of situations of educational interaction: collective, group, paired, use of innovative tasks (preparation by pupils of oral journals, participation in stage productions, performances, development of a creative product, etc.). Tasks for the formation of auditory skills and pupils’ understanding of the text are suggested. The means of implementing the content line “Read” are disclosed. Frequency is the task of developing a complete reading skill covering the development of its correctness, consciousness and expressiveness. The author used the task of developing pupils’ critical thinking and emotional intelligence: self-asking questions to the text, expressing evaluative judgments, searching in the texts of arguments that confirm or deny their own judgments about the actions of the characters, connection with pupils’ life experience, etc. The role of techniques for predicting the content of a work by the title, drawings, converting verbal information into diagrams, models as a means of text analysis is revealed. The content line “Explore the media” is implemented in the textbook by two means: through the innovative form of presentation of information “MediaWindow” and a number of media tasks to the texts. This approach helps pupils to learn the concepts of media, information, and experience in the creation of elementary media products: flyers, advertising, posters and more
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