The article covers the experience of using mobile technologies at computer science lessons at general secondary schools in blended learning. It has been found that the development of digital society is helping to improve both digital technology and students' ability to use it. Therefore, the using of mobile devices at the lessons is possible and sometimes necessary, especially in the conditions of poor computer technology at schools. Blended learning combines different forms and methods of teachers` and students` work and minimizes existing technical and technological problems. During the experimental work it was found that the main means of implementation of mobile learning at the lessons is a smart phone that permits you to surf the Internet, to listen to audio, to watch videos, photos, multimedia files, to work with a lot of business, educational and game applications, and the students are quite easy adapt to mobile technologies. The ways of using mobile technologies at computer science lessons during preparation before the lesson, at the lesson and after the lesson were identified as additional creative tasks. In the conditions of organization of educational process on the basis of blended learning, the technologies of «Flipped Classroom» and «Station Rotation Model» have proven to be the most effective. The authors provide examples of ready-made information resources that can be used at the lessons, but they note that the teacher should analyze the material of the web space for the sake of science, logic and adaptation to the age features of students carefully. Experience in conducting lessons of using mobile devices has helped authors to identify some details in their preparation and realization. So, the video material that offered by the teacher for home study should be up to 10 minutes, and should be asked questions to look for clarifying information or interactive tasks to focus students on viewing. And in the process of conducting lessons using of mobile devices, is appropriate for group work, testing, solving practical problems using cloud technologies.
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