In this article the main components of the information competence of future teachers of history are analyzed. The use of several variants of this concept in scientific literature and educational-methodical documentation is presented: “information competence”, “information-digital competence”, “information and communication competence”. Accordingly, it is important for teachers of higher education institutions to conduct systematic and purposeful work with the students with a wide range of information resources, forming a sufficient level of information competence that will enable them to conduct a preliminary analysis of historical sources, to choose information for decision making, determining its degree of accuracy and importance. , analyzing and comparing historical phenomena with the use of information from various sources, as well as applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the educational and vital system. After all, the main task of the education system - to lay the foundations of information competence of the individual, that is, help to master the methods of collecting and accumulation of information. That is, information competence is the process of transforming a student with a sufficient level of information competence formation into an information-competent person - a specialist (teacher) who knows how to process information, organize knowledge and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from it. Therefore, attention is focused on a number of differences in the formation of information competence among future teachers from students of institutions of general secondary education with which they will work in their professional activities.
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