Integrated courses in history and civic education for the 5th grade: theoretical and content analysis
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civic and history educational field
model curricula

How to Cite

Vozna З., & Remekh Т. (2022). Integrated courses in history and civic education for the 5th grade: theoretical and content analysis. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 40–52.


The article reveals the basic principles and approaches to integration of history and civic education in the courses of civic and history educational field in the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education of 2020. There has been made an overview of the periods of development of school social science education in Ukraine, which was accompanied by integration and disintegration, there have been highlighted external and internal factors that influenced these processes.
There have been defined new tendencies in the content of social science education on the basis of theoretical analysis of the problem of didactic integration; there have been found important constants of new model curricula in the field of civic education and history education aimed at implementation of integrated learning of 5th grade students of the New Ukrainian School. Emphasis has been placed on the basic laws of the integration process (correlativity, imperativeness, complementability), timeliness and importance of an integrated approach in teaching students educational courses, challenges to integration of history and civic education as the components of integrated courses.
The main concepts related to the integrative approach in education have been specified and correlated: integration, integrology, holistic education, integrator topics.
There have been thoroughly analyzed current model curricula of integrated courses for general secondary education institutions for the adaptation cycle compiled by a range of writing teams (“We explore history and society (integrated course)” and “Ukraine and the world. Introduction to history and civic education. The 5th and 6th grades (integrated course)”)
There have been outlined the following problems: propaedeutics; linear and concentric approaches to teaching integrated courses; balance between integrated subjects in the model curricula for such courses.
Certain provisions of the article have been supported by examples.
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