Criteria for the formation of professional and communicative image of foreign medical students
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foreign medical students
professional-­communicative image
Ukrainian as a foreign language

How to Cite

Кушнір, І. (2022). Criteria for the formation of professional and communicative image of foreign medical students. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 80–86.


This article highlights the problem of finding diagnostic tools to determine the results of language training of foreign students of Ukrainian universities. Today we see an increase in the number of foreign students who receive higher education in Ukrainian universities in English. Foreign students who receive higher medical education in Ukraine in English use the Ukrainian language as a means of communicative interaction in the socio-­cultural, educational and academic environment and during clinical practice. A complete picture of the learning outcome, focusing on this result will significantly increase the efficiency of the learning process. Teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign of English-­speaking medical students lays the linguistic foundation of professional and communicative image of future doctors. The author of the article identifies the criteria and describes the indicators by which you can diagnose the level of formation of psychological, cognitive-­communicative, and cognitive-­linguistic components of professional-­communicative image. Personal qualities of the psychological level are realized at the cognitive-­communicative level of professional-­communicative image of doctors through awareness of discourse and genre strategies, tactics of communicative behavior with the patient and colleagues, as well as at the cognitive-­linguistic level of professional-­communicative image of doctors. Therefore, determining the level of formation of the cognitive-­linguistic component of the professional-­communicative image will allow the separation of the linguistic-­aspect criterion, and the cognitive-­communicative component – the strategic-­activity criterion. Applying the criteria described in the article to assess the level of formation of professional and communicative image of foreign medical students, we can compare the characteristics of the desired result of the study of educational disciplines of the linguistic cycle with real indicators. The language-­aspect criterion helps to identify in foreign students the level of mastery of general and professionally-­oriented aspects, phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills. With the help of strategic-­activity criterion we find awareness of strategies and tactics of communicative behavior with the patient and with colleagues; formation of skills of empathic listening, tolerant speaking, as well as reading and writing in the Ukrainian-­language hospital-­practical sphere.
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