Development of creative thinking skills of higher education students
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creative thinking
applicants for higher education

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Vovchasta Н., Bairamova О., & Chorna Г. (2022). Development of creative thinking skills of higher education students. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 87–97.


According to the results of the study, it is established that creative thinking is characterized by ingenuity, the ability to think outside the box, to find new solutions in crisis situations. In professional activities, creative thinking involves new ways of solving problems, discovering new connections and patterns. The main features of creative thinking are highlighted: fluency, speed, flexibility, originality, metaphorical thinking, the ability to bring new experience in studying the situation, to produce original ideas in terms of solving or creating new problems, etc. It is emphasized that there is a relationship between creative and critical thinking. It is substantiated that the process of development of creative thinking skills of higher education students is aimed at their holistic self-determination and self-expression in educational and professional activities. The expediency of developing skills of creative thinking in the process of learning by training the speed, flexibility and predictability of the mind has been proved. Some structural components of the process of developing students’ creative thinking skills are identified: motivational, cognitive and behavioral. The conditions necessary for the development of creative thinking skills of higher education students can be grouped into three groups: I. Abilities and aptitudes as a complex of socio-­psychological and physiological qualities of a man, II. Opposite (polar) psychological qualities, combinations of which are individual, III. Optimal organizational conditions. Emphasis is placed on teaching methods that promote the development of creative thinking skills of students. The following teaching methods have proven to be the most productive: problem-­based research, design, game methods and the method of brainstorming. According to the results of the study of the level of creative thinking of students of the Faculty of Historical and Socio-­Psychological Education and the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Management and Art of Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, the tasks will be developed.
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