Foreign approaches to the formation of models of self-evaluation of general secondary education institutions
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self-evaluation of educational institution
general secondary education
education quality
internal control

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Lukina Т. (2022). Foreign approaches to the formation of models of self-evaluation of general secondary education institutions. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 19–30.


The article presents an overview of modern foreign approaches to the formation of models of self-evaluation of the performance of general secondary education institutions. The practice is analyzed and examples of building self-evaluation models in European countries and countries of the East are given. It is noted that the most common approach is based on a balanced combination of external and internal evaluations of the institution. It is argued that the choice and implementation of one or another model of self-evaluation of the quality of general secondary education in different countries is influenced by national and historical traditions, the degree of decentralization of education management in countries, the scope of powers and professional competencies of heads of educational institutions and teaching staff. The analysis of the scientific literature on the formation of models of self-evaluation by institutions of general secondary education of the results of their activities gave grounds to the author to propose to systematize these models of self-evaluation according to their certain characteristics, in particular, by place and role in the structure of the evaluation of an educational institution, the status of conducting, the degree of influence of the results of self-evaluation of the achieved quality of education on the further activities of the institution, the list of objects of evaluation and indicators, and the subject of decision-­making based on the results of the evaluation. The relevance for Ukraine of the task of increasing the level of professional (evaluative) competence of teachers and heads of institutions of general secondary education, clarifying the features of the formation of managerial decisions based on the results of self-evaluation, determining the effectiveness of internal evaluation technologies used in domestic educational institutions is emphasized.
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Jimerson, J. B. (2014). Thinking about data: Exploring the development of mental models for “data use” among teachers and school leaders. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 42, 5–14. article/abs/pii /S0191491X13000540?via%3Dihub (in English).

Kallemeyn, M.L. (2014). School-­level organizational routines for learning: supporting data use. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(4), 529–548.‑02–2013–0025 (in English).

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2015). Assuring quality in education: policies and approaches to school evaluation in Europe. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.­Evaluation.html (in English).

Capperucci, Davide. (2015). Self-evaluation and school improvement: the ISSEmod model to develop the quality of school processes and outcomes. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 3 (15), 258–278. DOI:‑17202 (in English).

Hall, C., & Noyes, A. (2009). School self-evaluation and its impact on teachers work in England. Research Papers in Education, 24(3), 311–334. (in English).

Van der Bij, T., Geijsel, F. P., & ten Dam, G. T. M. (2016). Improving the quality of education through self-evaluation in Dutch secondary schools. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 49, 42–50. ws/files/2751470/ 175649_SiEE_16.pdf (in English).

Hofman, R. H., Dijkstra, N. J., & Adriaan Hofman, W. H. (2009). School self-evaluation and student achievement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 20(1), 47–68. (in English).

European Commission (2018). Quality assurance for school development. Guiding principles for policy development on quality assurance in school education. Produced by the ET 2020 Working Groups. Governance/2018-wgs2-quality-­assurance-school_en.pdf (in English).

Nusche, D., MacBeath, J., Laveault, D., & Santiago, P. (2012). OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Evaluation in Education: New Zealand 2011. OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Evaluation in Education. (in English).

Hamzah, M. I. M., & Tahir, H. B. M. (2013). A glimpse into school self-evaluation in Malaysia: Are we doing the right things? Or are we doing the things right? Asian Social Science, 9(12). (in English).

Katsuno, M., & Takei, T. (2008). School evaluation at Japanese schools: policy intentions and practical appropriation. London Review of Education. (in English).

Heine, S. J., Kitayama, S., & Lehman, D. R. (2001). Cultural differences in self-evaluation. Journal of Cross-­Cultural Psychology, 32(4), 434–443. (in English).

Kyriakides, L., & Campbell, R. (2004). School self-evaluation and school improvement: A critique of values and procedures. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 30(1), 23–36.–491x(04)90002–8 (in English).

Nelson, R., Ehren, M., & Godfrey, D. (2015). Literature review on internal evaluation. London: Institute of Education.­review-internal-­evaluation.pdf (in English).

Kemethofer, D., Gustafsson, J. E., & Altrichter, H. (2017). Comparing effects of school inspections in Sweden and Austria. Educational Evaluation, Evaluation and Accountability, 29(4), 319–337.–017–9265–1 (in English).

European Commission. (2020). Supporting school self-evaluation and development through quality assurance policies: key considerations for policy makers. Executive summary of the report by ET2020 Working Group Schools.­detail/-/publication/e10bc384-c253–11ea-b3a4–01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-­PDF/source‑250820337 (in English).

Lukina, T.O. (2021). Pidkhody do vyboru kryteriiv samootsiniuvannia yakosti funktsionuvannia zakladiv serednoi osvity: svitova praktyka ta ukrainski perspektyvy. U About modern problems in science and ways to solve them. XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Graz, Austria (s. 280–285). (in Ukrainian).

Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong special administrative region. School self-education.­assurance/sse/index.html (in English).

Survutaitė D., Bacys V., Balčiūnas S., Čiuladienė G., Petkūnienė V., Sičiūnienė V., Vaicekauskienė V., Valuckienė J., & Vilkonienė M. (2015). Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo modelis ir rodikliai. Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų įsivertinimo rodiklių atnaujinimas ir naudojimo jais metodikos/rekomendacijų sukūrimas: Es struktūrinių fondų projektas. Sfmis nr.: vp1–2.1-šmm‑01-v‑03–001. Vilnius. /uploads/2015/08/rekomendacijos.pdf (in Lithuanian).

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