The organization of the educational process during the imposition of martial law in general secondary education institutions is provided in most cases as a distance form of education (or, if possible, a mixed form of education). At the same time, the organization of distance learning has its own specifics associated with the imposition of martial law in Ukraine. The study considered three modes of distance learning: synchronous, asynchronous and bichronous. A description of each of the modes is given and it can be concluded that the synchronous mode in the classical form is currently an exception. Two scenarios for the use of synchronous mode are considered, which are a combination of another mode. Advice is given to use asynchronous mode and bichronous mode first of all. The bichronous mode involves the use of all functions of asynchronous and pre-planning of individual lessons in real time using video conferencing. Certain categories of students (their territorial location), technical and ergonomic problems should be taken into account when planning and organizing the educational process of general secondary education institutions by means of digital technologies. Problems of technical and ergonomic nature include: lack or limited access to individual technical teaching aids; limited Internet access; the impossibility of arranging a comfortable place to study. There are the following categories of students in wartime, which should also be taken into account when planning the educational process: remained in their places of residence; evacuated to different regions of Ukraine; evacuated outside Ukraine. Advice and solutions to some technical problems are given (impossibility of arranging a comfortable place for studying). The description of the online platform “All-Ukrainian School Online” is given, which can be used to organize the educational process of both individual subjects and all subjects according to the schedule of general secondary education. The socio-psychological factor is considered as one of the main aspects of learning. Practical advice for teachers during lesson planning and implementation is presented. Recommendations are given for the duration of lessons, the amount of homework.
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Maiia Marienko, PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Researcher of the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems of Education Informatization, Institute of Digitalization of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Research interests: digital technologies, cloud-based systems, open science, cloud-based open science services, teacher training
Alisa Sukhikh, PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Researcher of the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems of Education Informatization, Institute of Digitalization of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Research interests: digital technologies, cloud-oriented systems, open science, cloud-oriented open science services, software and hardware in the educational process
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