The conditions under which mathematics remote teaching takes place during the war in Ukraine have been clarified. The differences between such teaching and teaching during long-term quarantine due to COVID‑19 are described. References about distance learning and remote teaching before and after the advent of COVID‑19 have been analyzed. The need to provide mathematics remote teaching during the war in Ukraine is justified in the article.
The results of a survey of more than 500 students of 5–11 grades in various conditions during the war are presented. It has been found that about 80% of students are offered mathematics distance learning, but only 90% of students in the unoccupied territories and only 5% of students in the occupied territories have the opportunity to study remotely. The vast majority of teachers of mathematics offer students simultaneous online lessons, and some incorporate exercises to stabilize students’ emotional state. The survey clarified how mathematics remote teaching is organized (models, number of hours for synchronous online lessons, availability of homework and the ability to do it by students of different ages, proposed types of tasks for synchronous lessons and homework, platforms used) during wartime, as well as the students and parents’ attitude to this type of education. It was found that during distance learning students do not have experience in some types of work (creative, practical work, work in pairs and groups), although they would like to have such experience. It is determined that in the conditions of distance learning the level of motivation of students falls sharply. It is determined that the most vulnerable category of students are students of 10–11 grades. The state of mathematics remote teaching during the war in Ukraine on the basis of this survey is described.
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