Pedagogical regularities and their role in the new primary school
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pedagogical law
pedagogical regularity
New Ukrainian school
primary school
didactic means

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Sikorskyi П. (2022). Pedagogical regularities and their role in the new primary school. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 84–94.


In difficult times (coronavirus, war) the new Ukrainian school completes its first stage of reform – grades 1–4. In the final stage, the results of the pedagogical activity and its efficiency in the first stage of school will be carried out. Obviously, not everything will be positive, and not just for objective reasons. Many declarative but correct statements from the concept of «New Ukrainian School» could not be realized also because they are not adapted to our conditions. In practice, much emphasis was placed on improving the educational material base, insufficient consideration of pedagogical research of prominent Ukrainian teachers (K. Ushynskyi, S. Rusova, V. Sukhomlynskyi, H. Kostiuk, etc.). Many conceptual statements have been borrowed from the developed countries of Europe, which have reached high standards in the development of education and the economy, but they are not in a transitional stage of their development. Therefore, their mechanical transfer to the Ukrainian platform, which is far from perfect, does not always bring a positive result. For example, the pinnacle of educational innovation was the use of a pencil instead of a pen in writing in the first grade. Although, such innovation cannot significantly affect the success of first-­graders in learning. New information and communication technologies are almost a panacea for learning. However, it is well known that high reading technique can be achieved only by daily reading fairy tales, stories, etc. (up to 60 minutes), and the corresponding writing technique is achieved by daily practice in writing letters, words, sentences and more. Those and other didactic problems were effectively studied by the classics of Ukrainian pedagogy K. Ushynskyi and V. Sukhomlynskyi, and they made their important pedagogical conclusions by teaching children.
Of course, today the conditions are somewhat different, but the regularities of the educational process studied in them in the primary school have not lost their relevance to this day. Therefore, the author of the scientific article aims at updating the results of their research, especially with regard to pedagogical patterns, and to show their role in improving the educational process in primary school.
For example, such a pattern is: the more we use the developmental component in preschool age (observation, memory, figurative thinking, attention, imagination), the easier it will be in the primary school to use all educational tools for developmental learning.
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