Some aspects of mathematics blended learning organization in schools
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blended learning
mathematics education
organization of mathematics education

How to Cite

Hodovaniuk Т., & Vasylieva Д. (2022). Some aspects of mathematics blended learning organization in schools. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 105–115.


Blended learning is one of the effective educational trends that is being actively implemented in many countries around the world. Blended learning became most popular during the pandemic, as it made it possible to ensure the safe learning of students during ongoing quarantines. Some aspects of the organization of mathematics blended education in school are described in the article. Different definitions and models of blended learning are given. Features, advantages and disadvantages of blended learning are identified. Blended learning changes the interaction between students and teacher, involves the active role of the student and makes it possible to take into account his educational needs. At the same time, blended learning requires technical support for all participants in the learning process and a fairly high level of flexibility for everyone.
It is shown that for 2 years of active implementation of mathematics blended learning, teachers and students have developed a mostly positive attitude to this learning technology and experience of using different models of blended learning. Teachers have seen a tendency to reduce student responsibility, although they note that the introduction of blended learning has developed a variety of key student competencies, especially student independence and lifelong learning.
Most often, mathematics teachers offer algorithmic, practical and research problems for students to study on their own. Sometimes teachers ask students to master new theoretical material in the form of videos or diagrams, examples of solved problems and tasks for self-fulfillment.
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