Organizational and pedagogical approaches and information technology application for distance learning under martial law conditions
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distance learning
online learning
technical support
information technology
video conferencing
learning content management system

How to Cite

Tverdokhlib І. (2022). Organizational and pedagogical approaches and information technology application for distance learning under martial law conditions. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 116–124.


Based on the generalization and systematization of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the author the article describes the possibilities and features of the use of hardware and software information technology for the organization of distance learning in wartime. Based on the comparative analysis, it was found that modern mobile phones and tablets have technical characteristics that are not inferior to desktops and laptops and in some cases even better than them. To successfully connect to online lessons, a modern smartphone is enough, which most parents and students have, and the usual mobile Internet with a minimum connection speed of 3–6 Mbps.
Successful online lessons are possible only with the use of video conferencing systems and learning content management systems. The article reviews modern software for video conferencing. It proves the usefulness of using Zoom and Google Meet in the school learning process because they are easy to use, have low hardware requirements, do not require high-speed Internet, and most Ukrainian teachers have experience using them. The use of learning content management systems (LCMS) is an integral part of a successful distance learning organization at school. The article proved the usefulness of using the Google Classroom service as a LCMS because this software is quite convenient and known to many teachers and pupils since the pandemic. Its use allows pupils to access studying materials prepared by teachers, and teachers can easily check the tasks completed by the pupils.
In today’s wartime, computer science teachers and IT specialists should play an important role. They have the appropriate competencies and can help participants in the educational process to the organization of distance learning.
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