main tasks of improvement of teaching the course of electrical engineering in pedagogical higher education institution for future specialistsin technologies
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electrical engineering
electrical technologies
extracurricular activities
teaching methods

How to Cite

Pavlovskyi Ю. (2022). main tasks of improvement of teaching the course of electrical engineering in pedagogical higher education institution for future specialistsin technologies. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 125–130.


The article considers some aspects of teaching electrical engineering in pedagogical institutions of higher education for future specialists in technology. Based on the analysis of educational-­professional training programs for bachelors in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Labor Training and Technology) the need to improve and update both the content of the discipline “Electrical Engineering” and the methods of its teaching. The solving of the problem of allocating an insufficient number of hours for studying the discipline by organizing extracurricular classes (performing an independent search, calculation, calculation-­graphic works, participation of students in electrical modeling, involving them in scientific and scientific-­methodical works writing), and inclusion of electrical tasks in the content of writing term papers and graduation theses have been proposed. It has been stressed that the effectiveness of independent work on theoretical material can be ensured in the presence of appropriate educational and methodological developments on some important topics, such as: “Methods of Calculating Electric Circuits”, “Induction Motors”, “Modern Production Technology”, “Environmental Problem of Electricity Production» etc. In these manuals, special attention should be paid to worldview issues, the development of the relationship of electrical engineering with socio-­economic processes, the dialectic of technical thought, inventions and the development of creative abilities. It should be borne in mind that the organization and temporary separation between different types of extracurricular and extra school work activities can lead to reduced activation of cognitive activity of students, involving them in conscious and purposeful mastery of holistic learning material. Thus, only a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of teaching electrical engineering in higher education institutions for non-electrical specialties can ensure the effective acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of future professionals they need in their further professional activities.
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