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academic coaching
academic motivation
reduction of educational stress
in wartime conditions

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The article is devoted to the problem of using coaching in education. The purpose of the study is to confirm the effectiveness of the use of academic coaching for reducing educational stress and improving academic motivation of students in wartime conditions. Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine caused a complex of serious problems in Ukrainian education. An obvious negative consequence was a decrease in the level of efficiency and quality of education and a number of psychological factors that reduce the desire to get an education, in particular, the ability and motivation to study are impaired, and educational stress is increased. One of the critical priorities in the activities of Ukrainian educational institutions is to ensure the psychological stability of participants in the educational process who suffer from russian military aggression. In this context, academic coaching can become part of initiatives not only for professional development and training but also for supporting psychological resilience and cognitive productivity. Coaching sessions with students can often go beyond focusing on academic performance to focusing on the student's life goals, improving their well-being and mental health. Academic coaching successfully provides students with valuable goal-setting, aspiration and achievement skills. It also helps to form a student's self-confidence, belief in his capabilities, and adequate self-esteem, which is the basis of high academic and cognitive motivation. In addition, it establishes a special relationship between a teacher-coach and a student, built on dialogue, trust, partnership, mutual respect, and individual uniqueness; creates a supportive environment for a student, where everyone is interested in his success and undeniably believes in the positive result of his or her efforts. Academic coaching is also a means of facilitating and helping an individual in finding his/her solutions in a difficult situation; a technology that allows moving from the problem area to the effective solution area. It was concluded that educational coaching increases educational stress resistance, and encourages academic and internal motivation of students. Therefore, its application in the educational process has a positive effect.
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