Our research reveals the problems of vocational education in wartime conditions, in particular the organization of the educational process, the use of different forms of education, and the study of the level of satisfaction with the educational process among students of vocational education.
The purpose of the study is to research the impact of armed conflict in Ukraine on the development of vocational education, the relocation of vocational institutions from the temporarily occupied territories by Russia was analyzed. The study was conducted on changes in the number of teaching staff in Khmelnytskyi region, and changes in the composition of the contingent of education seekers. The comparison was made to forms of education; the main resources of distance education were analyzed.
It was concluded that to continue the educational process in the conditions of armed conflict, it is possible to use different forms of training, which the administration of institutions, deputies for academic affairs and related specialists can consider in accordance with each specific situation, as well as studying the level of potential threat, both for teaching staff and for students.
In addition to physical violence, the war brought a number of psychological problems that need to be solved, as well as building an educational process under the constant threat of missile strikes, artillery or bombing. The norms of full-time education change depending on the institution's ability to provide conditions for the protection of participants in the educational process during air raids.
Institutions are recommended to conduct the educational process in mixed forms of education, introduce shift training and plan large winter vacations, to avoid an economic collapse due to the heating of the educational facilities, increase the working hours for teaching staff to 60 hours per week, continue the educational process after June 30.
The Ministry of Education and Science, international organizations, regional military administrations and the international community are putting a lot of effort into developing recommendations and mechanisms to protect participants in the educational process, and planning the educational process in emergency situations and military operations.
When planning the educational process, in addition to the recommendations of the authorities, it is necessary for institutions of vocational education to independently study the work of other scientists in which military actions took place, to analyze the experience that updates the analysis of valid international documents and practices.
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