The authors of the article analyzed the content of the model curricula from the integrated course "Get To Know Nature" and the function of the geographical component in the formation of natural competence of students in grades 5–6. Since geography is developing at the intersection of natural and social sciences, and covering the range of problems related to the interaction of society and nature in a territorial-spatial section, it is quite natural that its interaction with other sciences is increasing. Thus, integration in education implies the strengthening of activity-oriented education through the emergence of integrated natural science courses. According to the authors, the geographical component in the content of the integrated courses contributes to the formation of natural competence of students in grades 5–6.
Having analyzed the works of international researchers, the authors came to the conclusion that the problems of implementing integrated education in general secondary education institutions of Ukraine correspond to world views, but require detailed study. The article examines the geographical component in the content of integrated natural science courses and its function in the formation of natural competence in students.
Geography is universal science and can be integrated with any academic subject if desired. It is closely related to many sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, economics, and others, which allows for both basic and prospective interdisciplinary connections. On the other hand, it is not necessary to combine all disciplines into one, because they lose their individuality and objectivity.
But integration gives rise to systematization, intensification of educational activities, mastery of the scientific picture of the world and culture as a whole, in particular language, because the type of culture determines the type of human consciousness. Therefore, integration is extremely relevant and necessary in the modern world and in the educational space, and the geographical component will only contribute to the content of integrated courses in Ukrainian schools.
This will be the basic principle of learning, since for successful everyday activities today there is not enough knowledge and skills, it is necessary to focus one's efforts on specific tasks, identify a problem, conduct an independent or joint search for ways to solve it, take responsibility for the results of actions and deeds.
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