The article characterizes the methodological principles of developing a system of speech situations in the process of competency-based learning of foreign languages for 5th grade students. It was determined that the main content of foreign language learning can be considered as a didactically expediently selected and specially organized structure of students' educational actions aimed at mastering communication in oral and written forms in accordance with communicative intentions that are consistent with the content of the curriculum. The approaches that determine the theoretical foundations of the development of a system of exercises and tasks for the organization of situational communication of 5th graders, forming the relevant key competencies in them, are characterized. Effective methods of formation and development of speaking competence of 5th grade high school students in foreign language lessons have been identified and characterized. The article proposes the principles of selection and functions of speech situations for the implementation of competence-oriented learning, conceptual approaches to the construction of a system of exercises and tasks aimed at the formation of key competences, the topic of speech situations for students of 5th grade, which are expedient to use in foreign language lessons for the formation of key competences.
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