The article finds out how teachers use digital tools during distance learning, whether teachers are satisfied with the quality of these tools and what they lack in order to use them more often. 214 teachers from different parts of Ukraine took part in our survey. First, we got to know the teachers who took part in the research (where they are from, how long they have been in the profession). And it was found out that the majority of interviewed teachers, and this is 11.7% of teachers from Odesa region. It was also found out that the survey participants had serious teaching experience, 49.5% of teachers had more than 20 years of experience. The most popular platforms during distance learning were established: 83.2% of teachers used the Classroom platform, 73.8% of teachers used the Meet platform to communicate with students, and 56.1% of teachers used the Zoom platform to conduct lessons. It was found that the most popular tool among Ukrainian teachers is online survey services: 66.4% ‒ Google Forms, 64.5% ‒ LearningApps. For data visualization, 74.3% of surveyed educators use the Sanva platform and 22.9% use the Prezi platform. To create interactive worksheets and posters, 60.3% of teachers use the Jamboard board, 47.7% use the Padlet platform. Also, survey participants named three main criteria by which they choose whether they will use this or that digital tool in their work. 92.1% ranked the service as free, and 86% rated it as easy to use. An important criterion for choosing a service for learning was also the indicator of whether students like it – 45.3%. It was found that the main problem why teachers do not use digital tools in their work, what they lack in order to master them, is insufficient equipment of the school with the necessary resources. Teachers do not have enough electronic boards, projectors, computers, laptops, necessary programs, even access to the Internet. Teachers also noted that, in addition to equipment, they lack available information about digital technologies. Based on this survey, it was determined that educators often do not have enough time to learn new technologies due to the lessons themselves, classroom management and other responsibilities.
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