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preschool education institution
preschool childhood

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The article examines the peculiarities and importance of group interaction among preschool education students as a basis for self-confidence formation. The author substantiates the importance of the formation of this phenomenon in preschool education, and analyzes the scientific research and development regarding the studied concept. It is highlighted that self-confidence depends on educational influences, which contribute to preschoolers experiencing self-belief, developing adequate self-esteem, and having a positive worldview. The self-confidence of a preschool student is unconscious and depends on social environment. Therefore, it is important to support and have faith in a child, both from the preschool teachers and family. On this basis, it is indicated that the group form of activity during the educational process in preschool education involves the creation of favorable conditions for communication between teachers and students in preschool. Relations between the teacher and preschoolers become sociable, mutual support is provided.
Scientific works on this phenomenon emphasize the importance of older preschool age, the specific susceptibility of older preschool children to the formation of this quality. This receptivity is characterized by neoplasms of the preschooler's personality: the beginnings of arbitrary behavior, self-consciousness, subordination to one's motives, and basic reflection skills.
The rules of group activities to follow by the preschool teacher are also outlined.
The implementation of the educational process based on group activity is one of the most important because during group activity, provided it is properly organized, the self-confidence of a preschooler is formed.
The formation of self-confidence in group activities among students of preschool education is possible only with the help of variable games. The author highlighted their importance based on the fact that the priority activity for preschoolers is play, which implements a number of functions for harmonious mental development.
Summarizing the analyzed studies, it was stated that the formation of self-confidence in preschoolers will be effective if the children are involved in group activities.
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